Some test based benchmarks which help check and understand and assess atomic operation and their RPC with different configurations
Repo right now proof-of-concept with purpose to build AB test utility
Mongo >= 5.0 installed with shards. For custom launch look into Makefile commands that help you launch and setup on fly instance
Just be sure that you specify launch url
var dbConnect = "mongodb://localhost:27021/?replicaSet=rs1"
Incorrect Usage: flag provided but not defined: -р
main mongo -
main mongo [command options] [arguments...]
run mongodb compliance test which runs transactions
--threads value, -t value (default: 100) [$THREADS]
--maxUser value, -m value (default: 100000) [$MAX_USER]
--operation value, -o value What test start: tx - transaction intense, insert - only insert (default: "tx") [$OPERATION]
--addr value (default: "mongodb://") [$MONGO_ADDR]
--db value (default: "db") [$MONGO_DB]
--balance value (default: "bench_balance") [$MONGO_COLLECTION_BALANCE]
--journal value (default: "bench_journal") [$MONGO_COLLECTION_JOURNAL]
--compression value zlib, zstd, snappy (default: "snappy") [$MONGO_COMPRESSION]
--compressionLevel value zlib: max 9, zstd: max 20, snappy: not used (default: 0) [$MONGO_COMPRESSION_LEVEL]
--wcJournal (default: false) [$MONGO_WRITE_CONCERN_J]
--shards value (default: 0) [$MONGO_SHARDS]
--help, -h show help (default: false)
This most important. It calculates actual rpc and show it Example:
comb/sec: 7669.716911777314 duration: 60.017860541 15344