Gomes is a (100%) native Go framework API for the Apache Mesos cluster manager. Gomes uses the HTTP wire protocol to send message and receive events to and from a running Mesos master. This project provides an idiomatic Go API that makes it super easy to create Mesos frameworks using Go.
See a simple Gomes test - /~https://github.com/vladimirvivien/gomes/blob/master/gomestest/gomestest.go
Gomes is at its (very early) infancy. However, here is what the API can already do today:
- Register with running Master
- Receive Framework-Reisgered event
- Receive Framework-Reregistered event
- Receive Resource Offers event
- Receive Offer Rescinded event
- Receive Status Update
- ... and more features to come out soon!
- Gomes still needs tons of work to be done.
- There many pieces missing to get it stable and ready for usage.
- The goal is to get it on par to its C++ counterpart, libprocess.
Munch of the inspiration for this work came from:
- Ben Hindman Presentation at ApacheCon 2014 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTcZGODnyf0&list=FLrFKzp-3UzcAXfZy6DbkbHg
- And changes made to 0.19 version of Mesos.
- Email exchange and guidance from other Mesos members.