>> Watch the DUPI live demo at dupi1.d10nets.com
>> To monitor your own AWS Flow Logs please follow the instruction below (~20 min)
Monitor and analyze Amazon AWS Flow Logs from EC2 network interfaces, VPC subnets or entire VPCs on a dedicated AWS cloud server streaming network traffic statistics in real-time to your browser via DUPI Streaming AWS Flow Log Monitor (DUPI = Deep-Universal-Protocol-Inspection).
An AWS lambda function (dupi-lambda.py) exports all relevant flow data to a dedicated cloud server to enable observation of aggregate protocol statistics across multiple virtual sites to view network traffic in your business as a 'whole' or at individual sites.
Analyze your network traffic in real-time for deep visibility into actual traffic patterns. Define detailed alerting rules per specific protocol field on various metrics as request rates, bps, pps, lengths, counts and geo-location info.
Explore network traffic at your sites easily and interactively from the comfort of your browser. Quickly switch protocols, fields, intervals and apply specific filter conditions in the web application for instant streaming results.
- DUPI VIEW - Live Protocol Statistics
- View continuous live updates of network traffic statistics based on AWS flow logs at your sites in real-time per Source IP, Destination IP, Destination Port, Protocol, TCP Flags and other fields.
- DUPI ALERT - Alerting Service
- Define detailed alerting rules for real-time network traffic conditions at your sites per field and various metrics as Packets-per-Second, Bits-per-Second, Tracking Time, Unique Field Counts, Geo Data and much more.
- DUPI REPORT - Insights and Analysis
- View charts of top historical network traffic patterns at your sites for various intervals on Top Source IPs, Top Destination IPs, Top Destination Ports, Top Countries, Rates, Tracking times and much more.
- DUPI GRAPH - Timeseries Graphs
- Graph historical network traffic statistics at your sites for 10 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week and 1 month intervals on various metrics as Packets-per-Second, Bits-per-Second, Unique Field Counts and much more.
- DUPI STORE - Historical Protocol Statistics
- Store historical network traffic statistics at your sites for 10 minute, 1 hour, 1day and 1 week intervals at your sites per Source IP, Destination IP, Destination Port, Protocol, TCP Flags and other fields.
Watch DUPI live at dupi1.d10nets.com. Get more info at www.d10nets.com or email us at info@d10nets.com.
Follow instructions below (~20 min) to export your AWS Flow Logs to a dedicated EC2 host running DUPI Streaming AWS Flow Log Monitor for observation of your network traffic statistics in real-time in your browser.
git clone /~https://github.com/d10nets/dupi-lambda.git
Login to your Amazon AWS account in the AWS Management Console
Enable AWS Flow Logs for EC2 network interfaces, EC2 subnets or VPCs
Create log group
- Select Services → CloudWatch and Logs → Log Groups
- Click the Action dropdown and select Create log group
- Provide dupi-log-group as input and click Create log group
- Click Never Expire link of dupi-log-group and set Retention to 1 Day
Create flow log
- Select Services → EC2 and NETWORK & SECURITY → Network Interfaces and choose a network interface
- OR / AND select Services → VPC and VIRTUAL PRIVATE CLOUD → Subnet and choose a subnet
- OR / AND select Services → VPC and VIRTUAL PRIVATE CLOUD → Your VPCs and choose a VPC
- Click the Flow Logs tab and then click Create flow log
- ON INITIAL SETUP click Set Up Permissions and in the IAM Role dropdown select Create a new IAM Role, provide dupi-role as input and click Allow
- Set Filter to Accept, Maximum aggregation interval to 1 minute, Destination to Send to Cloudwatch Logs, Destination Log Group to dupi-log-group, IAM role to dupi-role and Format to AWS default format and click Create
Forward AWS Flow Logs to a dedicated EC2 monitoring host
Create Lambda function
- Select Services → Lambda and click Create Function
- Click Author from scratch, provide dupi-lambda as input and set Runtime as Python 3.7
- Click Choose or create an execution role and select Create a new role with basic Lambda permissions
- Click Create Function
- In Designer click dupi-lambda and click Add trigger
- In the Trigger Configuration dropdown select Cloud Watch Logs
- Click the Log group dropdown and select dupi-log-group
- For Filter Name provide dupi-lambda-trigger as input
- Select Enable Trigger and click Add
- Click dupi-lambda and scroll down to Function Code
- In Action select Upload a .zip file and click Upload
- Provide cloned dupi-lambda.zip file in /package directory for upload
Set Environment Variables
- In Environment Variables click Edit and then click Add Environment Variable three times
- On the first line for Key provide DESTINATION_HOST and for Value provide dupi1.d10nets.com as input
- On the second line for Key provide DESTINATION_PORT and for Value provide 2055 as input
- Optionally on the third line for Key provide SITE_NAME and for Value provide a descriptive name of your choice for your site (16 chars max), e.g. john-doe-site
- Click Save
Access DUPI Flow Log Monitor
- Go to dupi1.d10nets.com to access DUPI Streaming AWS Flow Log Monitor