is a crate for building zk-SNARK circuits in Rust. It provides essential traits, primitive structures, and gadgets (like booleans and number abstractions) for efficient circuit design. Built with flexibility and performance in mind, bellman
supports generic scalar field types via the ff
and group
- zk-SNARK Circuit Design: Construct circuits generically over a scalar field type.
- Groth16 Proving System: Built-in support for the Groth16 zk-SNARK proving system.
- Primitive Gadgets: Includes implementations for booleans, arithmetic, and number abstractions.
- Efficient Arithmetic: Optimized operations modulo a scalar field's prime.
Add bellman
to your Cargo.toml
bitvec = "1"
blake2s_simd = "1"
ff = "0.13"
group = "0.13"
pairing = { version = "0.23", optional = true }
rand_core = "0.6"
byteorder = "1"
subtle = "2.2.1"
# Optional multicore dependencies
crossbeam-channel = { version = "0.5.1", optional = true }
lazy_static = { version = "1.4.0", optional = true }
log = { version = "0.4", optional = true }
num_cpus = { version = "1", optional = true }
rayon = { version = "1.5.1", optional = true }
bls12_381 = "0.8"
criterion = "0.4"
hex-literal = "0.3"
pairing = "0.23"
rand = "0.8"
rand_xorshift = "0.3"
sha2 = "0.10"
multicore = ["crossbeam-channel", "lazy_static", "log", "num_cpus", "rayon", "rand_core/getrandom"]
default = ["multicore"]
Then, import it in your code:
extern crate bellman;
is designed for developers interested in building zk-SNARK circuits in Rust. It allows you to define circuits using traits and constraints over a specified field, such as the Bls12
field used in Groth16.
For more complex usage and examples, you can refer to the official bellman-examples repository, which provides additional code samples and guidance.
We aim to make bellman
more modular and easier to use for developers:
- Modularize the Groth16 Proving System: Move the Groth16 implementation into a separate crate for cleaner separation of concerns.
- Expand the Gadget Library: Add more useful gadgets for complex circuit creation.
- Improve Documentation: Continue enhancing the documentation with tutorials and guides for new users.
is licensed under either:
- Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or
You can choose either license.
Contributions are welcome! Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you shall be dual-licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions. Please see the for more details.