I'm a chilean biochemist interested in understanding living organisms' biochemical evolution through mathematical and computational models. In my spare time I'm a Neovim plugin developer and Julia Language enthusiast, as well as part-time photographer.
I'm currently doing my PhD at Universite de Lille and Institute Pasteur de Lille on developing a framework to study evolution from the point of view of cellular metabolism.
For a more in-depth view of my experience, please refer to my CV (también disponible en español).
- De novo prediction of drug targets and candidates by chemical similarity-guided network-based inference
- ResidueFisher, bioinformatics protocol that aims at mining information at the sequence and structure level of protein chain to detect possible evolutionary conserved residues
- diferente.nvim, a plugin to enhance the UX of Git commits in Neovim.
- esqueleto.nvim, a plugin for managing template files in Neovim.
- SimSpread.jl, a software package
for the
programming language that implements the SimSpread formalism for link prediction in graphs.
- recetario, a compendium of miscellaneous script for all things science, ML, DS, Julia, etc.
Last edit: 2025-02-04