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Automated tests in plain language, for the Node.js test runner

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Cucumber is a tool for running automated tests written in plain language. Because they're written in plain language, they can be read by anyone on your team. Because they can be read by anyone, you can use them to help improve communication, collaboration and trust on your team.

This is a new implementation of Cucumber built around the Node.js test runner. It's still in the pre-1.0.0 phase, so APIs and behaviour might change. The stable canonical implementation of Cucumber for JavaScript continues to be @cucumber/cucumber for now.


cucumber-node is available on npm:

npm install --save-dev @cucumber/node

You'll need Node.js 22 or 23.

Get started

Say we have this small class:

export class Greeter {
  sayHello() {
    return 'hello'

Let's write a feature file specifying how it should work, in features/greeting.feature:

Feature: Greeting

  Scenario: Say hello
    When the greeter says hello
    Then I should have heard "hello"

Next, we need to provide automation to turn that spec into tests, in features/support/steps.js:

import assert from 'node:assert'
import { When, Then } from '@cucumber/node'
import { Greeter } from '../../lib/Greeter.js'

When('the greeter says hello', (t) => { = new Greeter().sayHello()

Then('I should have heard {string}', (t, expectedResponse) => {
  assert.equal(, expectedResponse)

Finally, run node --test with some special arguments:

node --import @cucumber/node/bootstrap --test "features/**/*.feature"

Running tests

Since cucumber-node augments the standard Node.js test runner, you can use many of its options in the same way you would when running tests written in JavaScript, like:

(In all cases you still need the --import @cucumber/node/bootstrap so that cucumber-node kicks in when a feature file is encountered.)

Writing steps

Full API documentation is at and includes:

  • Given, When and Then for steps
  • Before and After for hooks
  • ParameterType for custom parameter types
  • DataTable for working with data tables

Test context

When you write a step or hook function, the first argument will always be a TestCaseContext object, similar to the one that node --test gives you when writing tests in JavaScript and with many of the same properties, plus the "world" where you can keep your state, and methods for attaching content.

Finding your code

Discovery of your code is based on the following glob (relative to the working directory):


This isn't configurable (yet).

ESM and CommonJS

cucumber-node is an ESM package, but you can write your code in either format:

  • ESM - e.g. import { Given } from '@cucumber/node'
  • CommonJS - e.g. const { Given } = require('@cucumber/node')


You also can write your code in TypeScript.

We recommend bringing in tsx to handle the transpilation, plus the Node.js types:

npm install --save-dev tsx @types/node

Then, add tsx as another import when you run:

node --import @cucumber/node/bootstrap --import tsx --test "features/**/*.feature"

Remember to add a tsconfig.json to your project. If you're not sure what you need, @tsconfig/node22 is a good place to start.

Without dependencies

You might even be able to go without any extra dependencies and instead lean on Node.js built-in TypeScript support, although this is still very new and has several limitations.


Some Cucumber formatters are included as Node.js test reporters:

  • HTML --test-reporter=@cucumber/node/reporters/html --test-reporter-destination=./report.html
  • JUnit --test-reporter=@cucumber/node/reporters/junit --test-reporter-destination=./TEST-cucumber.xml
  • Message --test-reporter=@cucumber/node/reporters/message --test-reporter-destination=./messages.ndjson

There are some caveats that apply when using these reporters (but not otherwise):

  • Don't mix Cucumber tests with other tests - if you have non-Cucumber tests to run with node --test, you should do that in a separate run.
  • Don't use the spec reporter at the same time - because we're abusing the diagnostic channel to send messages to the reporter, it makes the spec output very noisy - we recommend the dot reporter instead.


There are some pretty standard Cucumber features that are missing (but not for long):

What's different?

Some behaviour of cucumber-node is different - and better - than in cucumber-js:

Concurrency by default

node --test by default runs each test file in a separate process, and runs them concurrently as much as possible within the constraints of the system. This is markedly different to cucumber-js which is single-process and serial by default. This is also a good thing, helping you identify and fix unintentional dependencies between scenarios.

Arrow functions

There's no reliance on this in your step and hook functions to access state, since we pass a context object as the first argument to all functions. This means you're free to use arrow functions as you normally would in JavaScript.