This repository contains all the details of our Ph.D program.
Markdown is a light weight text format which is rendered beautifully on github and other hosting sites. You can also convert the resulting document to pdf for which you need the following.
Most distributions of Unix come with pre-built packages and hence you can use your system package manager to install them.
You can then use the following make commands
$ make # Build the pdf document
$ make clean # Clean up the intermediate files.
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We are happy to receive your contributions. However, some of the documents here contains rules and regulations of our Department and our Institute. For changes to it, we need approvals so certain pull request will not be entertained.
The material here is copyright Dept. of Computer Sci. and Engg, IIT Kanpur. The source code is released under the BSD3 license and the contents under the Creative Commons Shared Alike. See the directory LICENCES for the details. If you wish to contribute, then you should agree to the terms and conditions spelt there. Further, any contribution to this repository via a pull request will be treated as implicitly agreeing to our policy regarding the contents.