Conway's Game of Life implementation in C# (.NET Core)
This project was mainly built as an exercise; it includes the standard implementation and an advanced one (environmental). The environmental one gives each cell another property: it is either a carnivore or a herbivore. Carnivores can convert herbivores, but not the other way around.
Additionally, the world has a settable temperature which influences the chance of conversion.
dotnet GameOfLife.dll [args]
--game_type [1 | Standard, 2 | Environmental]
Default: Environmental
Type of game to be played. This is either the standard, or the aforementioned advanced one.
-s, --size
Default: 69
Size of world to be played
-f, --figure [Pentadecathlon, Pulsar, LWSS, Glider]
If you want to play a predefined figure, enter its name here
If you want to play with a custom layout, enter its filename here
-t, --thread_sleep
Delay between generations in milliseconds
-n, --neighbour_finder [1 | Closed, 2 | Open]
Default: Open
Choose the NeighbourFinder to use. Open spans across borders, Closed doesn't.
Change the world temperature (only makes sense to set if you use the Environmental game type)
-i, --print_interval
Default: 100
Set the print interval of the ResultAnalyzer
-p, --print_file
Default: "analyzation\01.txt" (Only works if folder analyzation exists within executing directory)
Set the location where the ResultAnalyzer prints its data
--season_calculator [1 | Ignore, 2 | Standard]
Default : Ignore
Choose the SeasonCalculator to use. If you choose Ignore, the season system will not be used.
Note: ConsoleRenderer requires Kernel32.dll (necessary to prevent flickering which would occur when using Console.Write)