X_ITE X3D Browser
X_ITE is a comprehensive 3D library entirely written in JavaScript and uses WebGL for 3D rendering. Authors can publish X3D, VRML, glTF and other 3D file formats online within an HTML5 page with X_ITE that works with web browsers without prior plug-in installation. Since X3D is backwardly compatible, X_ITE can also be used as a VRML viewer.
π For more information and a live preview, please visit our home page.
X_ITE needs your support. If you become a Patreon, we can improve X_ITE even better, or simply subscribe to receive the latest news.
- Getting Started
- Supported Nodes
- Accessing the External Browser
- DOM Integration
- Custom Shaders
- glTF Sample Viewer
Using a CDN improves website performance, reliability, and security by caching content closer to users, distributing traffic loads, and providing protection against attacks.
If you are going to use X_ITE in a production environment, you should use a fixed version of X_ITE. You can get a list of all available versions here on npm.
jsDelivr is an open-source content delivery network (CDN) renowned for its no-cost access, swift performance, and reliable service.
<script defer src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/x_ite@11.2.2/dist/x_ite.min.js"></script>
<!-- or as ES module for use in scripts -->
<script type="module">
import X3D from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/x_ite@11.2.2/dist/x_ite.min.mjs";
Info: It is no longer necessary to include the CSS file.
To install, use the following command:
$ npm install x_ite
Maybe you are curious now how to use X_ITE with Electron?
Also try x_ite-node, a pure Node.js version, without any dependencies on Electron or any browser. Suitable for just reading 3D files, analyzing, processing and generating X3D.
$ npm install x_ite-node
This script initializes an X3D canvas within an HTML page, configuring it to contain a scene, a camera and a geometric cube with default material properties. It then animates the rotation of the cube within the scene, ensuring that the camera captures the dynamic action.
<script defer src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/x_ite@11.2.2/dist/x_ite.min.js"></script>
<X3D profile='Interchange' version='4.0'>
<unit category='angle' name='degree' conversionFactor='0.017453292519943295'></unit>
description='Initial View'
position='2.869677 3.854335 8.769781'
orientation='-0.7765887 0.6177187 0.1238285 28.9476440862198'></Viewpoint>
<Transform DEF='Box'
rotation='0 1 0 0'>
<TimeSensor DEF='Timer'
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Rotor'
key='0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1'
keyValue='0 1 0 0, 0 1 0 90, 0 1 0 180, 0 1 0 270, 0 1 0 0'></OrientationInterpolator>
<ROUTE fromNode='Timer' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Rotor' toField='set_fraction'></ROUTE>
<ROUTE fromNode='Rotor' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Box' toField='set_rotation'></ROUTE>
The same scene can also be created using pure JavaScript:
<script type="module">
import X3D from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/x_ite@11.2.2/dist/x_ite.min.mjs";
browser = X3D .getBrowser (),
scene = await browser .createScene (browser .getProfile ("Interchange"), browser .getComponent ("Interpolation", 1));
// Create Viewpoint:
const viewpointNode = scene .createNode ("Viewpoint");
viewpointNode .set_bind = true;
viewpointNode .description = "Initial View";
viewpointNode .position = new X3D .SFVec3f (2.869677, 3.854335, 8.769781);
viewpointNode .orientation = new X3D .SFRotation (-0.7765887, 0.6177187, 0.1238285, 0.5052317);
scene .rootNodes .push (viewpointNode);
// Create Box:
transformNode = scene .createNode ("Transform"),
shapeNode = scene .createNode ("Shape"),
appearanceNode = scene .createNode ("Appearance"),
materialNode = scene .createNode ("Material"),
boxNode = scene .createNode ("Box");
appearanceNode .material = materialNode;
shapeNode .appearance = appearanceNode;
shapeNode .geometry = boxNode;
transformNode .children .push (shapeNode);
scene .rootNodes .push (transformNode);
// Give the node a name if you like.
scene .addNamedNode ("Box", transformNode);
// Create animation:
timeSensorNode = scene .createNode ("TimeSensor"),
interpolatorNode = scene .createNode ("OrientationInterpolator");
timeSensorNode .cycleInterval = 10;
timeSensorNode .loop = true;
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++ i)
interpolatorNode .key [i] = i / 4;
interpolatorNode .keyValue [i] = new X3D .SFRotation (0, 1, 0, Math .PI / 2 * i);
scene .rootNodes .push (timeSensorNode, interpolatorNode);
// Add routes:
scene .addRoute (timeSensorNode, "fraction_changed", interpolatorNode, "set_fraction");
scene .addRoute (interpolatorNode, "value_changed", transformNode, "set_rotation");
// Show scene.
await browser .replaceWorld (scene);
<!-- x3d-canvas element comes here: -->
Contributions are always welcome. There is no special form to do this. A good idea is to fork the X_ITE repository and create a separate branch from the development
branch, make your changes and then make a pull request.
X_ITE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- x_ite-node β Pure Node.js version of X_ITE
- x3d-tidy β X3D converter, beautifier and minimizer
- x3d-image β render image files from X3D
- sunrize β a multi-platform X3D editor