Contains ros packages for perception, calibration, and arm manipulation of the Jaco arm.
- ros-indigo installation
- ubuntu 14.04
- catkin_tools:
Using sudo apt-get install:
In your home directory:
mkdir -p ~/ros/jaco_ws/src
cd ros/jaco_ws/src
cd ..
catkin build
Add the following github repos in the src directory in your workspace.
cd src
git clone <package>
If package are still missing, try adding these into your workspace src folder:
- -b indigo-devel /~
- /~
- -b indigo-devel /~
- /~
Note: follow kinova-ros instructions for adding udev rules. kinova-ros may fail to build. check correct include file paths in kinova_comm.cpp: #include "kinova/KinovaTypes.h". Some other packages may fail in moveit, just add .CATKIN_IGNORE file or delete the directory.
restart udev so it reads the new rules:
sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart
There is an issue currently with PCL from ROS. If you have errors, such as "mets.h", use the following copy command to move missing files directly into PCL's directory on your machine. compile code using catkin build:
sudo cp <perception>/include/hv/* /usr/include/pcl-1.7/pcl/recognition/hv/
catkin build
Move to moveit_robots/baxter/baxter_moveit_config/config and run this command to generate baxter.urdf:
rosrun xacro baxter.urdf.xacro > baxter.urdf
or copy this file over:
cp <perception>/cfg/baxter.urdf moveit_robots/baxter/baxter_moveit_config/config
Use your favorite text editor for .bashrc:
gedit ~/.bashrc
Add the following at the bottom:
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
source ~/<your_workspace>/devel/setup.bash
export HOSTNAME=localhost
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://$HOSTNAME:11311
export ROS_IP=`hostname -I | tr -d '[[:space:]]'`
Save and source the file for each terminal:
source ~/.bashrc
Follow instructions for simulator installation if packages are missing still:
Baxter runs roscore when powered on. This requires you to setup remote ROS on your machine. Use your favorite text editor for .bashrc:
gedit ~/.bashrc
Add the following at the bottom:
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
source ~/<your_workspace>/devel/setup.bash
export HOSTNAME=011305P0009.local
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://$HOSTNAME:11311
export ROS_IP=`hostname -I | tr -d '[[:space:]]'`
If you set ROS_HOSTNAME, you may have networking issues! Use 'unset ROS_HOSTNAME' to fix it.
Save and source the file for each terminal:
source ~/.bashrc
Each of these commands should be ran in a separate window. Some files may need to be modified to work with Jaco:
roslaunch kinova_bringup kinova_robot.launch
roslaunch perception interface.launch
rosrun pick_and_place
rosrun keyboard keyboard
Each of these commands should be ran in a separate window. Some files may need to be modified to work with Baxter:
roslaunch perception interface.launch
In finger_sensor:
Modify roslaunch for Baxter or Jaco. This is necessary because they have different AR tags mounted to different locations.
roslaunch openni2_launch openni2.launch
roslaunch camera_calibration_tool calibration.launch
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/rgb/image_raw
Scene calibration. Make sure AR tag is visible by looking in RVIZ for transform:
rostopic pub /alignment/doit/ std_msgs/Bool True
Once the scene is calibrated, you can kill the previous publishing command.
If you don't plan to move the camera anytime soon, record transform (position and orientation) of camera_link in RVIZ under TF frames. Paste these values into to avoid previous steps. When transform is known for the camera, skip above steps and run:
rosrun camera_calibration_tool
Ignore finger_sensor_msgs package
You may need to flash an arduino with baxter.ino located in finger_sensor/baxter/arduino. Jaco will also need an arduino with the proper file loaded. Modify for the right serial port, baud rate, and number of sensors of the code running on the arduino:
rosrun finger_sensor
rosrun finger_sensor can also be modified to find an average base value for each sensor. For finger_sensor_perception, you will need to find the correct average base value. All sensor values should be less than 100 in the terminal
Starting perception. Run "False" in place of True to stop
rostopic pub /perception/enabled/ std_msgs/Bool True
Special way to modify variables such as gripper width in the code during runtime:
rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
Test connection and view topics:
rostopic list
View rate of publishing from a topic:
rostopic hz /topic_name
jump into a package's source directory:
roscd <package>