This is a Perl interface to the anonymous chatting service. It is designed for use with the IO::Async event framework. Net::Async::Omegle supports all Omegle events, allowing your program to respond to messages, typing, stopped typing, connects, disconnects, and more. Using IO::Async and Net::Async::HTTP, it is completely non-blocking and can be placed easily in many programs. Recently, support has been added for Omegle's reCAPTCHA API and many other new features such as the common interests system, spying sessions, and question (spy) modes.
As of version 4.2, Net::Async::Omegle depends on Evented::Object, located at
Evented::Object is also available on
Mitchell Cooper,
Feel free to contact me via github's messaging system if you have a question or
request. You are free to modify and redistribute Net::Async::Omegle under the
terms of the New BSD license. See LICENSE.
These options can be either manager-specific or session-specific. Any options
passed to $om->new()
(the session constructor) will override those passed
to Net::Async::Omegle->new()
(the manager constructor).
- type - type of session ('Traditional', 'CommonInterests', 'AskQuestion', or 'AnswerQuestion') - defaults to Traditional.
- server - specify a server. this typically is a bad idea since NaOmegle supports Omegle's automatic load balancing.
- topics - array reference of your interests (required if type = 'CommonInterests').
- question - a question for two strangers to discuss (required if type = 'AskQuestion').
- static - if true, do not cycle through the server list. this is probably a bad idea.
- no_type - true if you think typing events are annoying and useless.
- ua - HTTP user agent string. defaults to $Net::Async::Omegle::ua. to 'Traditional'
- mobile - true if you wish to identify as connecting from a mobile device.
Net::Async::Omegle uses the Evented::Object framework for events. Most events are fired on session objects; however, all events fired on session objects are also fired on Omegle manager objects with the session object as the first argument. Programatically, you have the choice between using a single handler for all sessions or using callbacks specific to certain sessions.
Both of these are valid for handling message events, for example.
# This callback is specific to this session.
$sess->on(stranger_message => sub {
my ($event, $message) = @_;
say "Stranger said: $message";
# This applies to all sessions in this Omegle manager instance.
$om->on(stranger_message => sub {
my ($event, $sess, $message) = @_;
say "Stranger said: $message";
# notice that the session is the first event argument.
Fired when the first Omegle status update completes. You must wait for this event to be called before starting any conversations. This ensures that the available Omegle servers have been fetched in advance.
my $sess = $om->new();
$om->on(ready => sub {
Fired when the user count is updated.
Note: this is fired immediately after status_update
, but it is more reliable
for user count because the user count may also be updated by an Omegle
conversation event.
$om->on(update_user_count => sub {
my ($event, $count) = @_;
say "There are now $count users online.";
- $user_count - the new global user count on
Fired when the Omegle status information is updated. This is fired quite frequently. This status information sets the Omegle server list, user count, and several other pieces of data.
$om->on(status_update => sub {
my @servers = $om->servers;
say "Available servers: @servers\n";
Note: this should not be used for user count updates as update_user_count
more reliable.
Fired when the session is started. At this point, a stranger has not been found.
This merely indicates that the start request has been submitted. After this is
fired, $sess->running
will return true until the session ends.
$sess->on(start => sub { say 'Session '.$sess->id.' started.' });
The order of events after calling ->start()
is typically:
Fired when the Omegle session identifier is received. After this is fired,
will contain the session identifier until the session terminates.
$sess->on(got_id => sub {
my ($event, $id) = @_;
say 'My ID is: '.$id;
Fired when the session is waiting for a chatting partner to connect. This is
fired after start
and before connected
. After this is fired,
will return true until a stranger is found.
$sess->on(waiting => sub { say 'Waiting on a stranger...' });
Fired when a stranger is found and a conversation begins. After this is fired,
will return true until the conversation ends.
$sess->on(connected => sub { $sess->say('Hi there, Stranger!') });
$sess->on(common_interests => sub {
my ($event, @interests) = @_;
say "You and the stranger have in common: @interests";
- @interests - the list of interests which you and stranger have in common.
Fired when the question is received in ask and answer modes. This is fired even if you are the one asking the question.
$session->on(question => sub {
my ($event, $question) = @_;
say "Question up for discussion: $question";
- $question - the question text up for discussion.
Fired when the server notifies you with a piece of text information. This typically is used to let you know that the stranger is using a mobile device or other special software. However, it may have other uses in the future.
$sess->on(server_message => sub {
my ($event, $msg) = @_;
say "Server: $msg";
- $message - the message text from the Omegle server.
Fired when the stranger begins typing. After being fired,
becomes true.
$sess->on(typing => sub {
say 'Stranger is typing...';
Fired when the stranger stops typing. After being fired,
becomes false.
$sess->on(stop_typing => sub {
say 'Stranger is typing...';
Note: this event is not fired when a stranger sends a message (which also terminates typing.)
Fired when the stranger sends a message. After being fired,
resets to a false value.
$sess->on(message => sub {
my ($event, $msg) = @_;
say "Stranger: $message";
- $message - the message text from the stranger.
Fired when your message is delivered.
- $message - the message text as you sent it.
- $id - the message ID, which was previously returned by
Fired when the stranger disconnects from the conversation. This ends the session, resetting all of its values to their defaults.
$sess->on(disconnected => sub {
say 'Your conversational partner has disconnected.';
Fired when a stranger in ask/answer mode begins typing. After being fired,
becomes true.
$sess->on(spy_typing => sub {
my ($event, $which) = @_;
say "Stranger $which is typing...";
- $which - the identifier of the stranger which disconnected (
Fired when a stranger in ask/answer mode stops typing. After being fired,
becomes false.
$sess->on(spy_stop_typing => sub {
my ($event, $which) = @_;
say 'Stranger $which is typing...';
Note: this event is not fired when a stranger sends a message (which also terminates typing.)
- $which - the identifier of the stranger which disconnected (
Fired when a stranger in ask/answer mode sends a message. After being fired,
resets to a false value.
$sess->on(spy_message => sub {
my ($event, $which, $msg) = @_;
say "Stranger $which: $message";
- $which - the identifier of the stranger which disconnected (
). - $message - the message text from the stranger.
Fired when a stranger in ask/answer mode disconnects from the conversation. This ends the session, resetting all of its values to their defaults.
$sess->on(spy_disconnected => sub {
my $which = shift;
say "Your conversational partner #$which has disconnected.";
- $which - the identifier of the stranger which disconnected (
Fired when the server requests that a captcha be submitted. Net::Async::Omegle
will automatically request a captcha and fire captcha
$sess->on(captcha_required => sub { say 'Fetching captcha...' });
- $challenge - the captcha challenge key.
Fired when a captcha image address is fetched.
$sess->on(captcha => sub {
my ($event, $url) = @_;
say "Please verify that you are human: $url";
- $url - the absolute URL of the captcha image challenge.
Fired when a captcha submission is denied. Net::Async::Omegle will automatically request a new captcha.
$sess->on(bad_captcha => sub { say 'Incorrect captcha. Fetching another...' });
Fired when the session is complete. This could be due to an error, you disconnecting, or a stranger disconnecting. It is fired after the event which caused it (disconnected, etc.) and before deleting the values associated with the session, allowing you to do any final cleanups.
$sess->on(done => sub { delete $sessions{$sess} });
Fired when the server returns an error. This ends the session, resetting all of its values to their defaults.
$sess->on(error => sub {
my ($event, $message) = @_;
say "Omegle error: $message";
- $message - the error message text from the Omegle server.
raw_* events are fired for each raw Omegle event. Typically, you do not want to handle these directly and should use the several other convenient events provided.
- @arguments - the list of raw event parameters sent by the Omegle server.
Log events are fired for debugging purposes.
- $message - a string of debug info.
Creates an Omegle manager object. After creating it, you should ->add
it to
your IO::Async::Loop. Once it has been added, you should $om->init
it. Any of
the options listed above may be used, but all are optional.
my $om = Net::Async::Omegle->new(%opts);
See the list of available options.
Returns the number of users currently online.
In list context, the time at which this information was last updated is
also returned.
# just the user count
my $count = $om->user_count;
# or if you need the update time
my ($user_count, $update_time) = $om->user_count;
say "$user_count users online as of ", scalar localtime $update_time;
Returns whether your client has been forced into unmonitored mode. This occurs when your behavior is too sexual.
Updates Omegle status information. This must be called initially after adding
the Omegle object to the loop. After the first status information request
completes, the ready
event will be fired. From there on, it is safe to call
on a session instance. This event will only be fired once.
my $sess = $om->new;
$om->on(ready => sub {
say 'Status information received; starting conversation.';
Returns an array of available Omegle servers.
my @servers = $om->servers;
Returns the name of the last server used (or the current one while a session is running.)
my $server = $om->last_server;
Session methods are safe for asynchronous callbacks. For example, if you have a
timer which sends a message after 5 seconds but the stranger disconnects during
that time, calling ->say()
is harmless and will do nothing.
Creates a new Net::Async::Omegle::Session object. This object represents a single Omegle session. Any of the options listed above may be used, but all are optional.
my $sess = $om->new(%opts);
See the list of available options.
Starts the Omegle session. This method immediately returns true no matter what. In order to handle the success/failure of it, you must hook onto events.
Note: you should not call this method until you know the Omegle manager is
ready. The ready
event will be fired on the Omegle manager when this is the
$om->on(ready => sub { $sess->start });
Makes it appear that you are typing.
Returns true or undef
if there is no session connected.
Makes it appear that you have stopped typing.
Returns true or undef
if there is no session connected.
Sends a message to the stranger.
Returns undef
if there is no session connected. Otherwise, returns a message
ID which may later be passed to the you_message
event upon delivery.
my $id = $sess->say('hey there :]');
- $message - the text to send to the stranger.
Disconnects from the current session.
Returns true or undef
if there is no session connected.
You can immediately start a new session on the same object with $sess->start()
Submits a response to recaptcha. If incorrect, a new captcha will be presented
and the on_badcaptcha
event will be fired.
$sess->submit_captcha('some CAPTCHA');
- $answer - the user-determined captcha response.
Returns true if the session is currently running. This does not necessarily mean that a conversation is in progress; it merely indicates that a request has been submit to start a new conversation. After the session terminates, this method returns false.
say 'A session is in progress' if $sess->running;
Returns true if the session is waiting on a stranger to be paired with. Once a stranger is found, this method will return false.
say 'Losing my patience...' if $sess->waiting;
Returns true if a session is running and a conversation is in progress. This means that a stranger has been found. After the session terminates, this method returns false.
say 'Chatting with someone...' if $sess->connected;
Returns the Omegle session identifier or undef
if it has not yet been
received. Note: the session identifier can also be obtained when it is received
with the got_id
$sess->on(connect => sub {
say 'Conversation (ID: '.$sess->id.') started.';
Returns true if the stranger is currently typing. In a mode with multiple
strangers, this method returns true if either of the two strangers are typing.
Optionally, you may suppy 1
or 2
for the typing status of a specific
stranger in ask and answer modes.
$sess->on(type => sub {
my $timer = IO::Async::Timer::Countdown->new(
delay => 10,
on_expire => sub {
say 'This guy types slow.' if $sess->stranger_typing;
- $stranger_num - optional, which stranger you are checking, if the session is in ask or answer mode.
Returns the name of the server the session is taking place on.
$sess->on(connect => sub { say 'Found stranger on '.$sess->server });
Returns the session type.
- Traditional - one-on-one chat with no special features.
- CommonInterests - one-on-one chat with chat topics enabled.
- AskQuestion - spy mode where you are asking the question.
- AnswerQuestion - spy mode where you are answering the question.
if ($sess->session_type eq 'AskQuestion') {
$sess->{question} = 'What time is it in Paris?';
Returns true if the server is waiting on a captcha response.
if ($sess->waiting_for_captcha) {
say 'Already sent captcha response';
else {
$sess->submit_captcha('homeboy 2378');