Overlaybd (overlay block device) is a novel layering block-level image format, which is design for container, secure container and applicable to virtual machine. And it is an open-source implementation of paper DADI: Block-Level Image Service for Agile and Elastic Application Deployment. USENIX ATC'20".
Scaling up Without Slowing Down: Accelerating Pod Start Time. KubeCon+CloudNativeCon Europe 2024
Overlaybd is based on PhotonLibOS, which is a high-efficiency LibOS framework.
Overlaybd has 2 core component:
Overlaybd is a block-device based image format, provideing a merged view of a sequence of block-based layers as a virtual block device.
Zfile is a compression file format which support seekalbe online decompression.
This repository is an implementation of overlaybd based on TCMU.
Overlaybd can be used as the storage backend of Accelerated Container Image, which is a solution of remote container image by fetching image data on-demand without downloading and unpacking the whole image before the container starts.
Benefits from the universality of block-device, overlaybd is also a widely applicable image format for most runtime, including qemu/kvm and any other runtime supporting block or scsi api.
Overlaybd is a non-core sub-project of containerd.
Overlaybd provides virtual block devices through TCMU, so the TCMU kernel module is required. TCMU is implemented in the Linux kernel and supported by most Linux distributions.
Check and load the target_core_user module.
modprobe target_core_user
You may download our RPM/DEB packages form Release and install.
The binaries are install to /opt/overlaybd/bin/
Run /opt/overlaybd/bin/overlaybd-tcmu
and the log is stored in /var/log/overlaybd.log
It is better to run overlaybd-tcmu
as a service so that it can be restarted after unexpected crashes.
To build overlaybd from source code, the following dependencies are required:
CMake >= 3.14
gcc/g++ >= 7
Libaio, libcurl, libnl3, glib2 and openssl runtime and development libraries.
- CentOS 7/Fedora:
sudo yum install libaio-devel libcurl-devel openssl-devel libnl3-devel libzstd-static e2fsprogs-devel
- CentOS 8:
sudo yum install libaio-devel libcurl-devel openssl-devel libnl3-devel libzstd-devel e2fsprogs-devel
- Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libaio-dev libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev libgflags-dev libzstd-dev libext2fs-dev
- Mariner:
sudo yum install libaio-devel libcurl-devel openssl-devel libnl3-devel e2fsprogs-devel glibc-devel libzstd-devel binutils ca-certificates-microsoft build-essential
- CentOS 7/Fedora:
You need git to checkout the source code:
git clone /~https://github.com/containerd/overlaybd.git
cd overlaybd
git submodule update --init
The whole project is managed by CMake. Binaries and resource files will be installed to /opt/overlaybd/
mkdir build
cd build
make -j
sudo make install
Considering some libcurl and libopenssl has API changes, if want to build a make-sured compatible version libcurl and openssl, and link to executable as static library.
Noticed that building libcurl and openssl depends on autoconf
and libtool
If you want to use the original libext2fs instead of our customized libext2fs.
cmake -D ORIGIN_EXT2FS=1 ..
For more information about ORIGIN_EXT2FS
If you want to use DSA hardware to accelerate CRC calculation.
cmake -D ENABLE_DSA=1 ..
If you want to use avx512 to accelerate CRC calculation.
cmake -D ENABLE_ISAL=1 ..
If you want to use QAT to accelerate compression/decompression.
cmake -D ENABLE_QAT=1 ..
For more information go to overlaybd/src/overlaybd/zfile/README.md
Finally, setup a systemd service for overlaybd-tcmu backstore.
sudo systemctl enable /opt/overlaybd/overlaybd-tcmu.service
sudo systemctl start overlaybd-tcmu
Default configure file overlaybd.json
is installed to /etc/overlaybd/
"logConfig": {
"logLevel": 1,
"logPath": "/var/log/overlaybd.log"
"cacheConfig": {
"cacheType": "file",
"cacheDir": "/opt/overlaybd/registry_cache",
"cacheSizeGB": 4
"gzipCacheConfig": {
"enable": true,
"cacheDir": "/opt/overlaybd/gzip_cache",
"cacheSizeGB": 4
"credentialConfig": {
"mode": "file",
"path": "/opt/overlaybd/cred.json"
"ioEngine": 0,
"download": {
"enable": true,
"delay": 600,
"delayExtra": 30,
"maxMBps": 100
"p2pConfig": {
"enable": false,
"address": "localhost:19145/dadip2p"
"exporterConfig": {
"enable": false,
"uriPrefix": "/metrics",
"port": 9863,
"updateInterval": 60000000
"enableAudit": true,
"auditPath": "/var/log/overlaybd-audit.log"
Field | Description |
logConfig.logLevel | The log level for log file, 0 - DEBUG, 1 - INFO, 2 - WARN, 3 - ERROR |
logConfig.logPath | The path for log file, /var/log/overlaybd.log is the default value. |
logConfig.logSizeMB | The size limit for log file, in MB, 10 is default (10 MB). |
logConfig.logRotateNum | The rotate number for log file, 3 is default. |
ioEngine | IO engine used to open local files: psync 0, libaio 1, posix aio 2. |
cacheConfig.cacheType | Cache type used, file , ocf and download are supported. |
cacheConfig.cacheDir | The cache directory for remote image data. |
cacheConfig.cacheSizeGB | The max size of cache, in GB. |
cacheConfig.refillSize | The refill size from source, in byte. 262144 is default (256 KB). |
gzipCacheConfig.enable | Whether decompressed gzip file cache is enabled or not. |
gzipCacheConfig.cacheDir | The cache directory for decompressed gzip data. |
gzipCacheConfig.cacheSizeGB | The max size of cache, in GB. |
gzipCacheConfig.refillSize | The refill size from source, in byte. 262144 is default (256 KB). |
credentialFilePath(legacy) | The credential used for fetching images on registry. /opt/overlaybd/cred.json is the default value. |
credentialConfig.mode | Authentication mode for lazy-loading. - file means reading credential from credentialConfig.path . - http means sending an http request to credentialConfig.path |
credentialConfig.path | credential file path or url which is determined by mode |
download.enable | Whether background downloading is enabled or not. |
download.delay | The seconds waiting to start downloading task after the overlaybd device launched. |
download.delayExtra | A random extra delay is attached to delay, avoiding too many tasks started at the same time. |
download.maxMBps | The speed limit in MB/s for a downloading task. |
download.blockSize | The download block size from source, in byte. 262144 is default (256 KB). |
p2pConfig.enable | Whether p2p proxy is enabled or not. |
p2pConfig.address | The proxy for p2p download, the format is localhost:<P2PConfig.Port>/<P2PConfig.APIKey> , depending on dadip2p.yaml |
exporterConfig.enable | whether or not create a server to show Prometheus metrics. |
exporterConfig.uriPrefix | URI prefix for export metrics. |
exporterConfig.port | port for http server to show metrics. |
exporterConfig.updateInterval | Time interval to update metrics in microseconds. |
enableAudit | Enable audit or not. |
enableThread | Enable overlaybd device run in seprate thread or not. Note cacheType should be ocf . false is default. |
auditPath | The path for audit file, /var/log/overlaybd-audit.log is the default value. |
registryFsVersion | registry client version, 'v1' libcurl based, 'v2' is photon http based. 'v2' is the default value. |
prefetchConfig.concurrency | Prefetch concurrency for reloading trace, 16 is default |
certConfig.certFile | The path for SSL/TLS client certificate file |
certConfig.keyFile | The path for SSL/TLS client key file |
userAgent | customized userAgent to identify HTTP request. default value is package version like 'overlaybd/1.1.14-6c449832' |
is the config for background downloading. After an overlaybd device is lauched, a background task will be running to fetch the whole blobs into local directories. After downloading, I/O requests are directed to local files. Unlike other options, download config is reloaded when a device launching.
Important: The corresponding credential has to be set before launching devices, if the registry is not public.
Credentials are reloaded when authentication is required. Credentials have to be updated before expiration if temporary credential is used, otherwise overlaybd keeps reloading until a valid credential is set.
Overlaybd supports serveral credential mode. Here are some example credentialConfig
mode file
should be similar to '.docker/config.json' like this:
#### /etc/overlaybd/config.json ####
"logLevel": 1,
"logPath": "/var/log/overlaybd.log",
"credentialConfig": {
"mode": "file",
"path": "/opt/overlaybd/cred.json"
#### /opt/overlaybd/cred.json ####
"auths": {
"hub.docker.com": {
"username": "username",
"password": "password"
"hub.docker.com/hello/world": {
"auth": "dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQK"
mode http
should be a server listening address implemented by developers and can reply to credential information.
#### /etc/overlaybd/config.json ####
"logLevel": 1,
"logPath": "/var/log/overlaybd.log",
"credentialConfig": {
"mode": "http",
"path": "localhost:19876/auth"
overlaybd will send http request to the server with remote_url
like this:
GET "localhost:19876/auth?remote_url=https://hub.docker.com/v2/overlaybd/ubuntu/blobs/sha256:47e63559a8487efb55b2f1ccea9cfc04110a185c49785fdf1329d1ea462ce5f0" the server response should be formatted as follows:
"traceId": "${trace_id}"
"success": true or false
"data": {
"auths": {
"hub.docker.com": {
"username": "username",
"password": "password"
we write a sample http server in test/simple_auth_server.cpp
Please install overlaybd and refer to Accelerated Container Image. Overlaybd is well integrated with containerd and easy to use.
For other scenarios, users can use overlaybd manually. Overlaybd works as a backing store of TCMU, so users can run overlaybd image by interacting with configfs.
A config file is required to describe an overlaybd image, only local image and registry image are supported. Here is a sample json config file:
"repoBlobUrl": "https://obd.cr.aliyuncs.com/v2/overlaybd/sample/blobs",
"lowers" : [
"file" : "/opt/overlaybd/layer0"
"dir": "/var/lib/containerd/root/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.overlayfs/snapshots/1000",
"digest": "sha256:e3b0d67cfa3a37dfed187badc7766e3db64d492c4db2dc4260997b41af1b28f3",
"size": 43446424
"resultFile": "/home/overlaybd/1/result"
Field | Description |
repoBlobUrl | the url of the repository blobs of the remote image. It is required for a registry image. |
lowers | a list describing the lower layers of the image in bottom-upper order. |
file | it means the corresponding layer is a local file. if a local file is used, other options are not needed. |
dir | it means the corresponding layer will be stored in this directory after downloading. |
digest and size | the digest and size of a remote layer. It is required for a remote layer. |
resultFile | the file for saving the failure reasons. If a device is successfully lauched, success is writen into the file, otherwise, the failure s reported by this file. |
Here is an example to start up an overlaybd image. First, create the overlaybd tcmu device.
mkdir -p /sys/kernel/config/target/core/user_1/vol1
echo -n dev_config=overlaybd//root/config.v1.json > /sys/kernel/config/target/core/user_1/vol1/control
echo -n 1 > /sys/kernel/config/target/core/user_1/vol1/enable
Then, create a tcm loop device.
mkdir -p /sys/kernel/config/target/loopback/naa.123456789abcdef/tpgt_1/lun/lun_0
echo -n "naa.123456789abcdef" > /sys/kernel/config/target/loopback/naa.123456789abcdef/tpgt_1/nexus
ln -s /sys/kernel/config/target/core/user_1/vol1 /sys/kernel/config/target/loopback/naa.123456789abcdef/tpgt_1/lun/lun_0/vol1
Then a block device /dev/sdX
is generated, overlaybd image can be used locally. Furthermore, overlaybd device can be used on remote hosts by iscsi.
Just remove the files and directories in configfs in reverse order.
Overlaybd provides a log-structured writable layer and a sprase-file writable layer. Log-structured layer is append only and converts all writes into sequential writes so that the image build/convert process is usually faster. Sparse-file writable layer is more suitable for container rutime.
Use overlaybd-create
to create a writable layer.
/opt/overlaybd/bin/overlaybd-create ${data_file} ${index_file} ${virtual size}
use -s
to for creating sparse-file writable layer.
The upper option in overlaybd config file must be set to use a writable layer. Only one writable layer is avialable and it always workes as the top layer.Example:
"repoBlobUrl": ...,
"lowers" : [
"upper": {
"index": "${index_file}",
"data": "${data_file}"
"resultFile": "/home/overlaybd/1/result"
If upper is set, the overlaybd device is launched as a writable device. The differences produced by data writing are stored in the index and data files ofupper.
After writing data and destroying the device, overlaybd-commit
command is required to excute to commit the layer into a read-only layer and can be used asa lower layer later.
/opt/overlaybd/bin/overlaybd-commit ${data_file} ${index_file} ${commit_file}
At last, compression may be needed.
/opt/overlaybd/bin/overlaybd-zfile ${commit_file} ${zfile}
The zfile can be used as lower layer with online decompression.
DADI_kmod is a kernel module of overlaybd. It can make local overlaybd-format files as a loop device or device-mapper.
Welcome to contribute! CONTRIBUTING
Overlaybd is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.