Conekta sdk
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 2.1.0
- Package version: 6.0.6
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen For more information, please visit /~
- Conekta account
- API key. your API credential .
Download conekta-go package:
go get -u
In order to submit http request to Conekta API you need to initialize the client. The following example makes a order request:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a OrderRequest
const acceptLanguage = "es"
const accessToken = "Your merchant XAPI key"
// create the http client
config := conekta.NewConfiguration()
client := conekta.NewAPIClient(config)
ctx := context.WithValue(context.TODO(), conekta.ContextAccessToken, accessToken)
// create customer
customer := conekta.Customer{
Name: "test go",
Phone: "+573143159063",
Email: "",
customerResponse, httpResponse, err := client.CustomersApi.CreateCustomer(ctx).
if err != nil {
if httpResponse.StatusCode != http.StatusCreated {
panic("invalid response statusCode")
// Create OrderRequest
chargeRequest := conekta.ChargeRequest{
Amount: conekta.PtrInt32(1555),
PaymentMethod: *conekta.NewChargeRequestPaymentMethod("cash"),
productLine := conekta.Product{
Name: "toshiba",
Quantity: 1,
UnitPrice: 1555,
orderRequest := conekta.OrderRequest{
Charges: []conekta.ChargeRequest{
Currency: "MXN",
CustomerInfo: conekta.OrderRequestCustomerInfo{
CustomerInfoJustCustomerId: conekta.NewCustomerInfoJustCustomerId(customerResponse.Id),
LineItems: []conekta.Product{
//Make the call to the service. This example code makes a call to /orders
orderResponse, httpResponse, err := client.OrdersApi.CreateOrder(ctx).
if err != nil {
if httpResponse.StatusCode != http.StatusCreated {
panic("invalid response statusCode")
Navigate to conekta-go folder and run the following commands.
docker-compose up -d
go test -v --race ./...
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AntifraudAPI | CreateRuleBlacklist | Post /antifraud/blacklists | Create blacklisted rule |
AntifraudAPI | CreateRuleWhitelist | Post /antifraud/whitelists | Create whitelisted rule |
AntifraudAPI | DeleteRuleBlacklist | Delete /antifraud/blacklists/{id} | Delete blacklisted rule |
AntifraudAPI | DeleteRuleWhitelist | Delete /antifraud/whitelists/{id} | Delete whitelisted rule |
AntifraudAPI | GetRuleBlacklist | Get /antifraud/blacklists | Get list of blacklisted rules |
AntifraudAPI | GetRuleWhitelist | Get /antifraud/whitelists | Get a list of whitelisted rules |
ApiKeysAPI | CreateApiKey | Post /api_keys | Create Api Key |
ApiKeysAPI | DeleteApiKey | Delete /api_keys/{id} | Delete Api Key |
ApiKeysAPI | GetApiKey | Get /api_keys/{id} | Get Api Key |
ApiKeysAPI | GetApiKeys | Get /api_keys | Get list of Api Keys |
ApiKeysAPI | UpdateApiKey | Put /api_keys/{id} | Update Api Key |
BalancesAPI | GetBalance | Get /balance | Get a company's balance |
ChargesAPI | GetCharges | Get /charges | Get A List of Charges |
ChargesAPI | OrdersCreateCharge | Post /orders/{id}/charges | Create charge |
ChargesAPI | OrdersCreateCharges | Post /orders/{id}/add_charges | Create charges |
ChargesAPI | UpdateCharge | Put /charges/{id} | Update a charge |
CompaniesAPI | GetCompanies | Get /companies | Get List of Companies |
CompaniesAPI | GetCompany | Get /companies/{id} | Get Company |
CustomersAPI | CreateCustomer | Post /customers | Create customer |
CustomersAPI | CreateCustomerFiscalEntities | Post /customers/{id}/fiscal_entities | Create Fiscal Entity |
CustomersAPI | DeleteCustomerById | Delete /customers/{id} | Delete Customer |
CustomersAPI | GetCustomerById | Get /customers/{id} | Get Customer |
CustomersAPI | GetCustomers | Get /customers | Get a list of customers |
CustomersAPI | UpdateCustomer | Put /customers/{id} | Update customer |
CustomersAPI | UpdateCustomerFiscalEntities | Put /customers/{id}/fiscal_entities/{fiscal_entities_id} | Update Fiscal Entity |
DiscountsAPI | OrdersCreateDiscountLine | Post /orders/{id}/discount_lines | Create Discount |
DiscountsAPI | OrdersDeleteDiscountLines | Delete /orders/{id}/discount_lines/{discount_lines_id} | Delete Discount |
DiscountsAPI | OrdersGetDiscountLine | Get /orders/{id}/discount_lines/{discount_lines_id} | Get Discount |
DiscountsAPI | OrdersGetDiscountLines | Get /orders/{id}/discount_lines | Get a List of Discount |
DiscountsAPI | OrdersUpdateDiscountLines | Put /orders/{id}/discount_lines/{discount_lines_id} | Update Discount |
EventsAPI | GetEvent | Get /events/{id} | Get Event |
EventsAPI | GetEvents | Get /events | Get list of Events |
EventsAPI | ResendEvent | Post /events/{event_id}/webhook_logs/{webhook_log_id}/resend | Resend Event |
LogsAPI | GetLogById | Get /logs/{id} | Get Log |
LogsAPI | GetLogs | Get /logs | Get List Of Logs |
OrdersAPI | CancelOrder | Post /orders/{id}/cancel | Cancel Order |
OrdersAPI | CreateOrder | Post /orders | Create order |
OrdersAPI | GetOrderById | Get /orders/{id} | Get Order |
OrdersAPI | GetOrders | Get /orders | Get a list of Orders |
OrdersAPI | OrderCancelRefund | Delete /orders/{id}/refunds/{refund_id} | Cancel Refund |
OrdersAPI | OrderRefund | Post /orders/{id}/refunds | Refund Order |
OrdersAPI | OrdersCreateCapture | Post /orders/{id}/capture | Capture Order |
OrdersAPI | UpdateOrder | Put /orders/{id} | Update Order |
PaymentLinkAPI | CancelCheckout | Put /checkouts/{id}/cancel | Cancel Payment Link |
PaymentLinkAPI | CreateCheckout | Post /checkouts | Create Unique Payment Link |
PaymentLinkAPI | EmailCheckout | Post /checkouts/{id}/email | Send an email |
PaymentLinkAPI | GetCheckout | Get /checkouts/{id} | Get a payment link by ID |
PaymentLinkAPI | GetCheckouts | Get /checkouts | Get a list of payment links |
PaymentLinkAPI | SmsCheckout | Post /checkouts/{id}/sms | Send an sms |
PaymentMethodsAPI | CreateCustomerPaymentMethods | Post /customers/{id}/payment_sources | Create Payment Method |
PaymentMethodsAPI | DeleteCustomerPaymentMethods | Delete /customers/{id}/payment_sources/{payment_method_id} | Delete Payment Method |
PaymentMethodsAPI | GetCustomerPaymentMethods | Get /customers/{id}/payment_sources | Get Payment Methods |
PaymentMethodsAPI | UpdateCustomerPaymentMethods | Put /customers/{id}/payment_sources/{payment_method_id} | Update Payment Method |
PayoutOrdersAPI | CancelPayoutOrderById | Put /payout_orders/{id}/cancel | Cancel Payout Order |
PayoutOrdersAPI | CreatePayoutOrder | Post /payout_orders | Create payout order |
PayoutOrdersAPI | GetPayoutOrderById | Get /payout_orders/{id} | Get Payout Order |
PayoutOrdersAPI | GetPayoutOrders | Get /payout_orders | Get a list of Payout Orders |
PlansAPI | CreatePlan | Post /plans | Create Plan |
PlansAPI | DeletePlan | Delete /plans/{id} | Delete Plan |
PlansAPI | GetPlan | Get /plans/{id} | Get Plan |
PlansAPI | GetPlans | Get /plans | Get A List of Plans |
PlansAPI | UpdatePlan | Put /plans/{id} | Update Plan |
ProductsAPI | OrdersCreateProduct | Post /orders/{id}/line_items | Create Product |
ProductsAPI | OrdersDeleteProduct | Delete /orders/{id}/line_items/{line_item_id} | Delete Product |
ProductsAPI | OrdersUpdateProduct | Put /orders/{id}/line_items/{line_item_id} | Update Product |
ShippingContactsAPI | CreateCustomerShippingContacts | Post /customers/{id}/shipping_contacts | Create a shipping contacts |
ShippingContactsAPI | DeleteCustomerShippingContacts | Delete /customers/{id}/shipping_contacts/{shipping_contacts_id} | Delete shipping contacts |
ShippingContactsAPI | UpdateCustomerShippingContacts | Put /customers/{id}/shipping_contacts/{shipping_contacts_id} | Update shipping contacts |
ShippingsAPI | OrdersCreateShipping | Post /orders/{id}/shipping_lines | Create Shipping |
ShippingsAPI | OrdersDeleteShipping | Delete /orders/{id}/shipping_lines/{shipping_id} | Delete Shipping |
ShippingsAPI | OrdersUpdateShipping | Put /orders/{id}/shipping_lines/{shipping_id} | Update Shipping |
SubscriptionsAPI | CancelSubscription | Post /customers/{id}/subscription/cancel | Cancel Subscription |
SubscriptionsAPI | CreateSubscription | Post /customers/{id}/subscription | Create Subscription |
SubscriptionsAPI | GetAllEventsFromSubscription | Get /customers/{id}/subscription/events | Get Events By Subscription |
SubscriptionsAPI | GetSubscription | Get /customers/{id}/subscription | Get Subscription |
SubscriptionsAPI | PauseSubscription | Post /customers/{id}/subscription/pause | Pause Subscription |
SubscriptionsAPI | ResumeSubscription | Post /customers/{id}/subscription/resume | Resume Subscription |
SubscriptionsAPI | UpdateSubscription | Put /customers/{id}/subscription | Update Subscription |
TaxesAPI | OrdersCreateTaxes | Post /orders/{id}/tax_lines | Create Tax |
TaxesAPI | OrdersDeleteTaxes | Delete /orders/{id}/tax_lines/{tax_id} | Delete Tax |
TaxesAPI | OrdersUpdateTaxes | Put /orders/{id}/tax_lines/{tax_id} | Update Tax |
TokensAPI | CreateToken | Post /tokens | Create Token |
TransactionsAPI | GetTransaction | Get /transactions/{id} | Get transaction |
TransactionsAPI | GetTransactions | Get /transactions | Get List transactions |
TransfersAPI | GetTransfer | Get /transfers/{id} | Get Transfer |
TransfersAPI | GetTransfers | Get /transfers | Get a list of transfers |
WebhookKeysAPI | CreateWebhookKey | Post /webhook_keys | Create Webhook Key |
WebhookKeysAPI | DeleteWebhookKey | Delete /webhook_keys/{id} | Delete Webhook key |
WebhookKeysAPI | GetWebhookKey | Get /webhook_keys/{id} | Get Webhook Key |
WebhookKeysAPI | GetWebhookKeys | Get /webhook_keys | Get List of Webhook Keys |
WebhookKeysAPI | UpdateWebhookKey | Put /webhook_keys/{id} | Update Webhook Key |
WebhooksAPI | CreateWebhook | Post /webhooks | Create Webhook |
WebhooksAPI | DeleteWebhook | Delete /webhooks/{id} | Delete Webhook |
WebhooksAPI | GetWebhook | Get /webhooks/{id} | Get Webhook |
WebhooksAPI | GetWebhooks | Get /webhooks | Get List of Webhooks |
WebhooksAPI | TestWebhook | Post /webhooks/{id}/test | Test Webhook |
WebhooksAPI | UpdateWebhook | Put /webhooks/{id} | Update Webhook |
- ApiKeyCreateResponse
- ApiKeyRequest
- ApiKeyResponse
- ApiKeyResponseOnDelete
- ApiKeyUpdateRequest
- BalanceCommonField
- BalanceResponse
- BlacklistRuleResponse
- ChargeOrderResponse
- ChargeOrderResponsePaymentMethod
- ChargeRequest
- ChargeRequestPaymentMethod
- ChargeResponse
- ChargeResponseChannel
- ChargeResponsePaymentMethod
- ChargeResponseRefunds
- ChargeResponseRefundsData
- ChargeUpdateRequest
- ChargesDataResponse
- ChargesOrderResponse
- ChargesOrderResponseAllOfData
- Checkout
- CheckoutOrderTemplate
- CheckoutOrderTemplateCustomerInfo
- CheckoutRequest
- CheckoutResponse
- CheckoutsResponse
- CompanyFiscalInfoAddressResponse
- CompanyFiscalInfoResponse
- CompanyPayoutDestinationResponse
- CompanyResponse
- CreateCustomerFiscalEntitiesResponse
- CreateCustomerPaymentMethodsRequest
- CreateCustomerPaymentMethodsResponse
- CreateRiskRulesData
- Customer
- CustomerAddress
- CustomerAntifraudInfo
- CustomerAntifraudInfoResponse
- CustomerFiscalEntitiesDataResponse
- CustomerFiscalEntitiesRequest
- CustomerFiscalEntitiesResponse
- CustomerInfo
- CustomerInfoJustCustomerId
- CustomerInfoJustCustomerIdResponse
- CustomerPaymentMethodRequest
- CustomerPaymentMethodsData
- CustomerPaymentMethodsRequest
- CustomerPaymentMethodsResponse
- CustomerResponse
- CustomerResponseShippingContacts
- CustomerShippingContacts
- CustomerShippingContactsAddress
- CustomerShippingContactsDataResponse
- CustomerShippingContactsResponse
- CustomerShippingContactsResponseAddress
- CustomerUpdateFiscalEntitiesRequest
- CustomerUpdateShippingContacts
- CustomersResponse
- DeleteApiKeysResponse
- DeletedBlacklistRuleResponse
- DeletedWhitelistRuleResponse
- Details
- DetailsError
- DiscountLinesDataResponse
- DiscountLinesResponse
- EmailCheckoutRequest
- EventResponse
- EventTypes
- EventsResendResponse
- FiscalEntityAddress
- GetApiKeysResponse
- GetChargesResponse
- GetCompaniesResponse
- GetCustomerPaymentMethodDataResponse
- GetEventsResponse
- GetOrderDiscountLinesResponse
- GetOrdersResponse
- GetPaymentMethodResponse
- GetPlansResponse
- GetTransactionsResponse
- GetTransfersResponse
- GetWebhookKeysResponse
- GetWebhooksResponse
- LogResponse
- LogsResponse
- LogsResponseData
- ModelError
- OrderCaptureRequest
- OrderCustomerInfoResponse
- OrderDiscountLinesRequest
- OrderFiscalEntityAddressResponse
- OrderFiscalEntityRequest
- OrderFiscalEntityResponse
- OrderNextActionResponse
- OrderNextActionResponseRedirectToUrl
- OrderRefundRequest
- OrderRequest
- OrderRequestCustomerInfo
- OrderResponse
- OrderResponseCharges
- OrderResponseCheckout
- OrderResponseCustomerInfo
- OrderResponseDiscountLines
- OrderResponseProducts
- OrderResponseShippingContact
- OrderTaxRequest
- OrderUpdateFiscalEntityRequest
- OrderUpdateRequest
- OrderUpdateRequestCustomerInfo
- OrdersResponse
- Page
- Pagination
- PaymentMethod
- PaymentMethodBankTransfer
- PaymentMethodCard
- PaymentMethodCardRequest
- PaymentMethodCardResponse
- PaymentMethodCash
- PaymentMethodCashRequest
- PaymentMethodCashResponse
- PaymentMethodGeneralRequest
- PaymentMethodResponse
- PaymentMethodSpeiRecurrent
- PaymentMethodSpeiRequest
- PaymentMethodTokenRequest
- Payout
- PayoutMethod
- PayoutOrder
- PayoutOrderPayoutsItem
- PayoutOrderResponse
- PayoutOrderResponseCustomerInfo
- PayoutOrdersResponse
- PlanRequest
- PlanResponse
- PlanUpdateRequest
- Product
- ProductDataResponse
- ProductOrderResponse
- RiskRulesData
- RiskRulesList
- ShippingOrderResponse
- ShippingRequest
- SmsCheckoutRequest
- SubscriptionEventsResponse
- SubscriptionRequest
- SubscriptionResponse
- SubscriptionUpdateRequest
- Token
- TokenCard
- TokenCheckout
- TokenResponse
- TokenResponseCheckout
- TransactionResponse
- TransferDestinationResponse
- TransferMethodResponse
- TransferResponse
- TransfersResponse
- UpdateCustomer
- UpdateCustomerAntifraudInfo
- UpdateCustomerFiscalEntitiesResponse
- UpdateCustomerPaymentMethodsResponse
- UpdateOrderDiscountLinesRequest
- UpdateOrderTaxRequest
- UpdateOrderTaxResponse
- UpdatePaymentMethods
- UpdateProduct
- WebhookKeyCreateResponse
- WebhookKeyDeleteResponse
- WebhookKeyRequest
- WebhookKeyResponse
- WebhookKeyUpdateRequest
- WebhookLog
- WebhookRequest
- WebhookResponse
- WebhookUpdateRequest
- WhitelistlistRuleResponse
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: HTTP Bearer token authentication
auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAccessToken, "BEARER_TOKEN_STRING")
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)
Due to the fact that model structure members are all pointers, this package contains a number of utility functions to easily obtain pointers to values of basic types. Each of these functions takes a value of the given basic type and returns a pointer to it: