Interactive worldmap of visa-free travel, live demo at
A visual exploration of the travel freedom attached to passports using three.js and d3.
The weight and the travel freedom attached to a passport vary drastically across nationalities. International visa-regulations are very complex and often non-transparent. They reflect the economical and geopolitical situations as well as the relationships of countries.
This project aims to cast some light on these structures. The default Visa-free destinations mode shows a choropleth map, which is shaded based on the number of destination countries an individual of a certain nationality can travel to without a visa or with visa on arrival.
The visa requirements are pulled from Wikipedia in regular intervals and matched to the countries/territories via the sovereignty of the respective country/territory.
This project uses the following libaries/technologies:
- bootstrap Bootstrap 3: HTML, CSS, and JS framework
- three.js lightweight JavaScript 3D library using WebGL
- d3 D3 (or D3.js) is a JavaScript library for visualizing data using web standards
- d3-threeD hooking d3.js up to three.js
- tween.js Javascript tweening engine
- Sass powerful CSS extension language
- gulp as a task runner
- browserify for bundling
- watchify for watching browserify builds
- Babel for ES6 and ES7 magic
- ESLint to maintain a consistent code style
First, clone or download:
$ git clone /~
$ wget -O /~
$ unzip
Optionally rename to your project name and change into the directory:
$ mv travelscope <my-project-name>
$ cd <my-project-name>
$ npm install
Only, if gulp isn't installed yet.
$ sudo npm install --global gulp-cli
Files are compiled to dev
folder, which is automatically created, if it doesn't exist.
$ gulp
Gulp will run a server on your local machine at port 3000. Whenever you change a source file it will re-compile client.js and reload your browser.
Files are compiled to public
$ gulp build
├── dev # Development folder created by gulp/browserify
├── public # Distribution folder
│ └── index.php # Production index.php file
└── src # Application source code
├── assets # Asset files
│ ├── fonts # Font files
│ └── img # Image files
├── client # Application JS folder
│ ├── config.js # Application settings file
│ ├── jquery # jQuery plugins
│ ├── jquery-ui # jQuery UI
│ ├── LogTerminal # Window overlay log terminal
│ ├── thirdparty # Thirdparty JS files
│ ├── three # Three.js extras
│ ├── utils # Utility function
│ └── worldmap # Application core files
│ ├── geometry.js # Geometry functions
│ ├── index.js # Main application file
│ ├── panel.js # UI Panel for displaying content
│ └── userinterface.js # UI functions
├── client.js # Main JS file
├── index.html # Main HTML page container for app used for development
└── scss # SCSS source files
– Markus Lerner,