By Omicron166
OS Support:
- If the OS can run python 3.10, this tool will work
- git
- python 3.10 or later
git clone /~
cd cojin-peerfinder-client
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run it:
Supported OS:
- Windows 10 64 bits
Go to releases and download the last standalone zip build
WARNING: The executables are unsigned, windows smartscreen might block the execution
1 - Go to ngrok dashboard and log in with github or google account
2 - Then go to your authtoken and copy your token
1 - Double click on tool-folder/pyngrok/bin/ngrok.exe
Can't find it? Run the tool and check again
2 - Type in the terminal ngrok authtoken yourtokengoeshere
3 - Enjoy
1 - Type in the terminal ngrok authtoken yourtokengoeshere
2 - Enjoy
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