Recommended Node version is 16.0.0 and above.
# install dependencies
$ npm install
# build for production
$ npm run build
# clean, build, run tests
$ npm run rebuild
# run tests
$ npm run test
# compute tests coverage
$ npm run coverage
# eslint automatically fix problems
$ npm run lint
# run pretty-quick on .ts , .tsx files
$ npm run lint-quick
This a template hardhat typescript project composed of contracts, tests, and deploy instructions that provides a great starting point for developers to quickly get up and running and deploying smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.
Solidity smart contracts are found in ./contracts/
Deploy script can be found in the deploy.ts
Rename ./.env.example
to ./.env
in the project root.
To add the private key of a deployer account, assign the following variables
$ npm run deploy -- areonTestnet