A Matlab implementation of the Hermans-Rasson test for non-uniformity of circular data. The test is described in:
Hermans M, Rasson J. (1985). A new Sobolev test for uniformity on the circle. Biometrika. 72:698–702. doi: 10.1093/biomet/72.3.698.
The Hermans-Rasson test can provide additional power (c.f. the Rayleigh test, for example) to reject the hypothesis of uniformity in cases where the distribution is multi-modal with unknown symmetry.
Example usage:
% multi-modal circular distribution, sum of von Mises distributions
kappa = [3 6];
xbar = [0 5*pi/6];
nsamp = round(logspace(1,3,10)); % number of samples
N = 1e3; % number of bootstrap samples
x = linspace(-pi,pi,361);
n = numel(kappa);
for ii = 1:n
pdf(:,ii) = (2*pi/360)*circ_vmpdf(x(:), xbar(ii), kappa(ii))./n;
% plot pdfs
plot(x,pdf,'k-'); hold on
pdf = sum(pdf,2);
% sample from the distribution
p = NaN([N,length(nsamp)]);
prayleigh = NaN([N,length(nsamp)]);
for ii = 1:length(nsamp)
xhat = NaN([nsamp(ii),N]);
for jj = 1:N
xhat(:,jj) = randsample(x,nsamp(ii),true,pdf);
prayleigh(jj,ii) = circ_rtest(xhat(:,jj));
p(:,ii) = hrtest(xhat);
% plot p(H0) vs nsamp
semilogx(nsamp,mean(p),'ko-','LineWidth',1.5,'MarkerFaceColor','k'); hold on
The example above uses circ_vmpdf()
and circ_rtest()
from Philipp Berens Circular Statstics Toolbox for Matlab, available from /~https://github.com/circstat/circstat-matlab.git. The output should look something like:
For a comparison of several tests for non-uniformity and some recommendations on their relative merits, see:
Landler L, Ruxton GD, Malkemper EP. (2018). Circular data in biology: advice for effectively implementing statistical procedures. Behavioral ecology and sociobiology. 72(8) 128. doi: 10.1007/s00265-018-2538-y.