An attractive and interactable user interface created with React.js.
You can check the LIVE project here.
The idea of the App is:
"What if LinkedIn was beautiful?"
This project is part of my personal portfolio, I'll be more than happy if you could provide me any feedback about the project, code, code structure and so on!
Connect with me at the real LinkedIn.
1 - The API was created with sample and static data for displaying purpose only, without any INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE methods.
2 - The new design concept was created by Gregoire Vella, and it's not intended to be shown as my personal work. See more at Authors section.
To run this project in the development mode, you'll need to have a basic environment to run an React.js application, that can be found here.
Also, you'll need the API running locally on your machine. You can find the API and all the instructions to start the local server here.
Cloning the repository
$ git clone /~
$ cd linkedin-redesign-app
Installing dependencies
$ npm install
1 - Follow the instructions on the API page to have the server up and running on your machine.
2 - With the API up and running, rename the .env.example file to .env
and edit the NEXT_PUBLIC_GRAPHQL_URL value to http://localhost:3000/graphql
, or with the value you set up the API.
With all dependencies installed and the environment properly configured, you can now run the project:
$ npm run dev
Access the application at http://localhost:3001/linkedin-redesign-app/.
You can send how many PR's you want, I'll be glad to analyse and accept them!
Connect with me at the real LinkedIn.
Thank you!
Claudio Bonfati - The one who coded it - LinkedIn Profile
Gregoire Vella - The one who designed it - LinkedIn Profile
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
The design may also have its own copyright details.