A no frills task manager that's really intuitive and simple to use that I created for a PyBites code challenge.
Enter the project name that you want to store your tasks under.
Describe the task that you need to accomplish.
The task can be entered as open or close.
Clicking on the Add button will add the new task and create a new project if it does not already exist.
Clicking on the Reset button will reset the fields.
Any projects that are created will be displayed here in the tab area. Clickin on the tab switches you to that project.
Clicking on this will remove the currently active project along with all of it's corresponding tasks.
Clicking this will remove all tasks from the active project, but leave the project active.
Clicking this will toggle the tasks from open to close.
Clicking this will remove that tasks from the project.
First of all you have to prepare your environment. Select a location where you want to store the files. I will use Projects as my example. I'm also on a linux machine, but you should be able to figure it out for any other platform.
mkdir Projects
cd Projects
git clone /~https://github.com/clamytoe/Task-Manager.git
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python app.py
Then simply open up a browser, Chrome/Chromium recommended, to localhost:5000 and play around with it :).