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Event Harbor is a dynamic Full Stack event management web application, showcasing a sophisticated front-end developed using React. Users can effortlessly add, update, and delete events through an intuitive and responsive interface. The project is intricately designed with TailwindUI and Tailwind CSS, ensuring a visually appealing and modern user experience.
Behind the scenes, the back-end API powers the application, built with Ruby on Rails and supported by a PostgreSQL database. The API, residing in a separate repository, seamlessly integrates with the React front end, offering a comprehensive solution for managing events.
As an ongoing project, Event Harbor is committed to delivering a seamless and feature-rich event management experience. Stay tuned for updates and improvements as we continue to refine both the React front end and the Ruby on Rails API.
- Framework: Ruby on Rails
- Programming Language: Ruby
- Database: PostgreSQL (PSQL)
- Testing Frameworks:
- CSS Bundling: Rails CSS Bundler
- Authorization: Cancan
- Authentication: Devise
- Database Adapter: Ruby Pg
- Code Quality: Rubocop
- Browser Automation: Selenium Webdriver
- Front-end: React
- Front-end Styling: TailwindCSS
Data Model: A robust data model ensuring efficient storage and retrieval of event-related information.
Validations: Comprehensive data validations to maintain data integrity and consistency.
Model Spec-Tests: Rigorous specification tests for models to ensure they meet the defined requirements.
Controller Specs: Well-documented and tested controllers to guarantee proper handling of requests and responses.
Create Event: Seamless functionality allowing users to create new events with ease.
Update Event: User-friendly interface for updating event details, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information.
Delete Event: Secure and straightforward deletion of events as needed.
View Events: Intuitive views enabling users to easily navigate and explore the list of available events.
Front-end Framework: Utilizing React for building a dynamic and responsive user interface.
Component-Based Architecture: Leveraging React's component-based structure for modular and maintainable code.
State Management: Implementing state management to efficiently handle and update the application's state.
React Router: Enabling seamless navigation and a single-page application experience with React Router.
Hooks: Utilizing React Hooks for functional components, ensuring the efficient management of state and side effects.
Reusable Components: Developing reusable components to promote code reusability and maintainability.
Responsive Design: Implementing responsive design principles for a consistent and user-friendly experience across devices.
Live Demo:
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.
In order to run this project you need:
Clone this repository to your desired folder:
cd my-folder
git clone /~https://github.com/RileyManda/event-harbor.git
Install this project with:
cd my-project
bundle install
To run the project, you will need to execute:
To run tests, run the following command:
Rspec spec or bundle exec rspec spec
👤 RileyManda
- GitHub: @RileyManda
- Twitter: @rilecodez
- LinkedIn: rileymanda
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Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Microverse, for introducing me to Ruby and Ruby on Rails.
Do I have to use the vs code specifically?
You can use any code editor of your choice.
- ProjectIcon: Svgrepo