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[0.0.1] Initial Release

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@cinderblockgames cinderblockgames released this 01 Jun 03:25

Actual File Importer

This is an automated CSV importer for the Actual budgeting / money management system. It will check the configured account folders every five minutes for new CSVs to import.

Environment Variables

The container can be configured using the following environment variables:

Variable Required Default Description
SERVER_URL Yes The base URL of the Actual server.
e.g., http://actual:5006
SERVER_PASSWORD No* The Actual server password.
SERVER_PASSWORD_FILE No* The path to the file containing the Actual server password.
Only used if SERVER_PASSWORD is not provided.
e.g., /run/secrets/actual.pwd
BUDGET_SYNC_ID Yes The Sync ID of the Actual budget file. (Settings > Show advanced settings > Sync ID)
e.g., 6B29FC40-CA47-1067-B31D-00DD010662DA
IMPORT_BASE_PATH No /import The base directory where account definitions exist and CSV files will be dropped.
* The server password must be provided using one of these variables.

Account Definitions

Each account should be in its own folder under IMPORT_BASE_PATH and contain a JSON file named account.json that describes the CSV files that will be dropped in the folder for consumption:

  "Account": "12345678-BBBb-cCCCC-0000-123456789012",
  "Delimiter": ",",
  "HeaderRows": 1,
  "DateColumn": 0, 
  "PayeeColumn": 4,
  "AmountColumn": 2,
  "DateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd"

Account Definition Values

Variable Required Default Description
Account Yes The ID of the account.
(This can be found in the browser URL when the account is loaded.)
Delimiter No , The column delimiter for the CSV files.
HeaderRows No 0 The number of rows to skip before hitting data.
DateColumn No The 0-indexed column number holding the transaction date.
If not provided, date will not be included with imported transactions.
PayeeColumn No The 0-indexed column number holding the transaction payee.
If not provided, payee will not be included with imported transactions.
AmountColumn No The 0-indexed column number holding the transaction amount.
If not provided, amount will not be included with imported transactions.
DateFormat No yyyy-MM-dd The format of the date in the date column.

Docker Compose Example

This example assume you are using traefik as a reverse proxy, because it's dope. But you do you.

version: '3.8'


    image: 'actualbudget/actual-server'
      - traefik
      - actual
    [... clipped for brevity ...]
    image: 'cinderblockgames/actual-file-importer'
    container_name: 'actual-file-importer'
    restart: unless-stopped
      # required
      - 'SERVER_URL=http://actual:5006'
      - 'SERVER_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/actual.pwd'
      - 'BUDGET_SYNC_ID=6B29FC40-CA47-1067-B31D-00DD010662DA'
      # optional
      - 'IMPORT_BASE_PATH=/import'
      - '/data/actual/import:/import'
      - actual

    external: true
    external: true