Releases: cimarronOST/Monolith
Releases · cimarronOST/Monolith
Monolith 2
Monolith 1.0
I'm very proud to finally release Monolith 1.0 after almost 2 years of delights and frustration.
The engine is certainly nothing ground breaking but simply a plain old alpha-beta-searcher like hundreds of its kind, but writing it has enriched those past 2 years immensely. To every non-programmer out there:
If you want to broaden your horizon and learn a programming language, there's no better way to get started than to write a chess engine. Yes, it demands a great lot of time, but I regret no single hour of it.
Main changes are:
- added support for multi-processors with simplified-ABDADA
- added support for syzygy endgame-tablebases
- added support for PEXT instruction
- added new search enhancements (SEE pruning, singular extension, LMR, aspiration window)
- added new evaluation terms
- tuned the evaluation automatically with Texel's tuning method
- simplified the code
- fixed a bug that caused crashes while moving backwards through the game
Strength estimate (bullet games):
Score of Monolith 1.0 vs Monolith 0.4: 6481 - 1470 - 2049 [0.751] 10000
Elo difference: 191.36 +/- 6.70
Monolith 0.4
Main changes are:
- added support for Fischer Random Chess
- added support for the UCI 'MultiPV' option
- added pawn hash table
- added check- and evasion-generation in quiescence search
- improved Null Move pruning
- added Internal Iterative Deepening
- added Late Move Pruning
- huge number of other small additions, improvements and bug-fixes
Monolith 0.3
Main changes are:
- added Principal Variation Search
- added reverse futility pruning
- added SEE for move-ordering
- added SEE pruning in quiescence search
- new and improved search extensions
- higher rook-on-open-file bonus
- a lot of small evaluation tweaks
- transposition table improvements
- new staged and pseudolegal move generator (sadly a Elo loss)
- completely rewritten UCI handling
- added new important UCI options
- fixed the reported bug that prevented the use of external opening books
- added support to use internal books under Linux
- a lot of other bug fixes and improvements
Monolith 0.2
- completely rewritten move-ordering
- added MVV-LVA
- added Killer Heuristic
- added History Heuristic
- completely rewritten evaluation
- added mobility score, passed pawn bonus, king safety, tempo bonus, bishop pair bonus, knights-connected bonus, rook on (semi)open file bonus
- many search tweaks
- heavy hash-table bug fix and a lot of other bug fixes