CHAP is a Flowchart-creating program that allows users to interactively build and run solutions to programming problems. Users can solely concentrate on the logical structure of an algorithm, rather than the syntactic format of a typical programming language. Additionally, users can generate the corresponding Pseudo Code of their created flowcharts, along with the source code of a few conventional programming languages, such as C++ and Java.
- Using the Ionic Framework to create Web Applications, along with Angular
- Using Cordova and Capacitor to create Native Mobile Apps
- Parsing JSON using HttpClient from Angular
- Web design using HTML, SCSS and TypeScript
- Adding external JavaScript libraries and APIs
- Connecting to a MySQL database using PHP
- Debugging with Chrome Developers Tools
- Creating Android APKs for production using Android Studio
- Chubo Zeko (/~
- Hasan Tuncel Çoban (/~