A tiny plugin that integrates broot with vim.
Broot is configured in such a way that when pressing enter on a file this file
is opened in vim.
At the same time, your broot conf.toml
is respected, i.e. only the little
mentioned enter behavior is appended to your defaults!
Use your favourite vim plugin manager. For instance, with vim-plug
Plug 'https://gitlab.com/lstwn/broot.vim'
Then try :Broot
in vim which opens broot in vim's current working directory
and in the current window
(if not configured differently, see below).
This plugin is vim only (sorry, neovim) and is not tested on Windows. Also, it relies on the terminal feature of vim 8. If this is not present, the plugin will not work.
The plugin changed quite a lot recently, but should now be stable (from 12/2020).
variable name | description | default value |
g:broot_default_conf_path |
path to broot's default conf.toml |
expand('~/.config/broot/conf.toml') |
g:broot_vim_conf |
appended broot config (list of lines) | [ '[[verbs]]', 'key = "enter"', 'execution = ":print_path"', 'apply_to = "file"', ] |
g:broot_command |
broot launch command | br |
g:broot_shell_command |
command to launch a shell with command flag (leave empty to run broot without shell) | &shell.' '.&shellcmdflag |
g:broot_open_command |
open command for files with an ending that matches one specified in g:broot_external_open_file_extensions |
xdg-open |
g:broot_external_open_file_extensions |
list of file extensions that are opened with g:broot_open_command |
['pdf'] |
g:broot_default_explore_path |
default path to explore | . |
g:broot_replace_netrw |
set to TRUE (e.g. 1) if you want to replace netrw (see below) | off |
Here are the defined commands:
command! -nargs=? -complete=command Broot call g:OpenBrootInPathInWindow(s:broot_default_explore_path, <f-args>)
command! -nargs=? -complete=command BrootCurrentDir call g:OpenBrootInPathInWindow("%:p:h", <f-args>)
command! -nargs=? -complete=command BrootWorkingDir call g:OpenBrootInPathInWindow(".", <f-args>)
command! -nargs=? -complete=command BrootHomeDir call g:OpenBrootInPathInWindow("~", <f-args>)
Command should be a split command, e.g. :Broot vsplit
or :Broot tab split
If you set let g:broot_replace_netrw = 1
in your .vimrc
netrw will not launch anymore if you open a folder but instead broot.
If you additionally set let g:loaded_netrwPlugin = 1
in your .vimrc
not only will netrw not be loaded anymore at all but also the commands
, :Texplore
, :Vexplore
and :Hexplore
are replaced wth broot alternatives.
You might want to set in your .vimrc
nnoremap <silent> <leader>e :BrootWorkingDir<CR>
nnoremap <silent> - :BrootCurrentDir<CR>
Special thanks to ranger.vim for some inspiration and avoidance of some common pitfalls!