Experimental port of gevent 1.0b to run on PyPy. Don't use this. Use /~https://github.com/gevent-on-pypy/pypycore and /~https://github.com/schmir/gevent/tree/pypy-hacks as mentioned on http://morepypy.blogspot.com/2013/04/pypy-20-beta-2-released.html
PyPy does not easily support C extension modules, so this is just gevent with all the C extension parts replaced with ctypes wrappers.
While basic functionality should be there, error handling in this port is untested and for sure broken. Also, an installed copy of libev is required (normal gevent compiles libev itself). Even with PyPy's JIT, the calls of the ctypes overhead will hurt performance vs gevent with the normal C extension module.
On my Mac system, I needed to specify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to run this with PyPy (I have libev installed through macports):
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/local/lib" pypy whatever.py
PyPy can't use the default installer, so just copy the "gevent" folder to your PyPy site-packages. Since it's all Python and uses your own libev installation, there is really no need to build anything.
- Crashes sometimes unless you turn off the JIT (pypy --jit off), possibly a bug in the JIT. Seems stable besides that.
- Way slower than normal python+normal gevent
- Exception/error handling incomplete
- Win32 is completely not supported
- gevent tests a long way from running successfully