Flickr client library for Elixir.
The package's main modules are:
- performs API requests.Flickrex.Auth
- handles authentication.Flickrex.Flickr
- mirrors the Flickr API method namespace.Flickrex.Upload
- handles photo uploads.Flickrex.URL
- generates Flickr URLs for photos, etc.
Install the latest version of Flickrex from
Documentation is available at
Source code is available at /~
{:ok, resp} = Flickrex.Flickr.Photos.get_recent() |> Flickrex.request()
%{"photos" => photos} = resp.body
Add flickrex
to your list of applications and dependencies in mix.exs
def application do
[applications: [:logger, :flickrex]]
def deps do
[{:flickrex, "~> 0.8"}]
Create an application on Flickr and add the API keys to your Mix config file:
config :flickrex, :config, [
consumer_key: "...",
consumer_secret: "...",
The configuration also accepts oauth_token
and oauth_token_secret
keys, but
it is highly recommended to store these values separately for each authenticated
user, rather than setting them globally.
operation = Flickrex.Flickr.Photos.get_recent(per_page: 5)
{:ok, resp} = Flickrex.request(operation)
%{"photos" => photos} = resp.body
config = [consumer_key: "...", consumer_secret: "..."]
{:ok, resp} = Flickrex.request(operation, config)
{:ok, %{body: request}} = Flickrex.Auth.request_token() |> Flickrex.request()
{:ok, auth_url} =
|> Flickrex.Auth.authorize_url()
|> Flickrex.request()
# Open the URL in your browser, authorize the app, and get the verify token
verifier = "..."
{:ok, %{body: access}} =
|> Flickrex.Auth.access_token(request.oauth_token_secret, verifier)
|> Flickrex.request()
# You can now call methods that require authorization
config = [oauth_token: access.oauth_token, oauth_token_secret: access.oauth_token_secret]
{:ok, resp} = Flickrex.Flickr.Test.login() |> Flickrex.request(config)
Run the test suite:
mix test
To run a test that hits the Flickr API, set these environment variables:
Run the test with:
mix test --only flickr_api
If testing this package on Travis CI, the same Flickr environment variables must be set for the repository.
If you are using the Flickrex package in your own application, you have the
option of bypassing the endpoint URLs or mocking the HTTP client, either in your
config file or in options passed to Flickrex.request/2
An HTTP client mock needs to implement the Flickrex.Request.HttpClient
# test.exs
config :flickrex, :config, [
http_client: MyApp.Flickrex.MockClient,
If bypassing the endpoints, the URLs are set separately for each service:
# test.exs
config :flickrex, :api, url: "http://localhost/api"
config :flickrex, :upload, url: "http://localhost/upload"
The Flickr
modules are generated using data from the Flickr APIs reflection
methods. If the API ever changes, new data can be fetched with the Mix task:
mix flickrex.reflect
The data files are committed to the repository so that network and API access is not required to compile this library.
To build the documentation from source:
mix docs
Flickrex copyright © 2017, Christopher Adams
Flickrex logo based on Venn Diagram CC-by Eddy Ymeri