UnCommonJS - a minimum viable shim for module.exports
- pluggable
- supports live exports (ESM emulation)
- tiny (< 700 B minified + gzipped)
- no dependencies
- fully typed (TypeScript)
- CDN builds - jsDelivr, unpkg
$ npm install @chocolateboy/uncommonjs
// ==UserScript==
// @name My Userscript
// @description A userscript which uses some CommonJS modules
// @include https://www.example.com/*
// @require https://unpkg.com/@chocolateboy/uncommonjs@3.2.1
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/crypto-hash@1.3.0
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/tiny-once@1.0.0
// ==/UserScript==
console.log(module.exported) // { once: ..., sha1: ..., sha256: ..., ... }
console.log(exports === module.exports) // true
const { once, sha256: encrypt } = exports
// ...
UnCommonJS is a tiny library which exposes a module.exports
global (and
alias) which behaves like the CommonJS built-in. It can be used to
gather exports in environments which don't otherwise support CommonJS.
Names are deduplicated, so that e.g. if multiple modules export the same name
or assign multiple values to module.exports
, each export is given a distinct
This shim is useful in very constrained environments in which it's not possible (usually for political or policy reasons) to use transpilers or bundlers to integrate third-party modules.
I mainly use it to work around NPM modules that don't have UMD builds when I
want to use one in a userscript (and as a way to import
dependencies that are available as UMD bundles without polluting window
For example, let's say I want to use the following modules, which are available on NPM but don't have UMD builds:
Since both of these modules are simple, small, and standalone — i.e. they don't
use require
— I can use UnCommonJS to expose module.exports
and exports
globals which they can attach their exports to. I can then pull these exported
values (functions in this case) into a userscript simply by extracting them
from the module.exports
// ==UserScript==
// @name My Userscript
// @require https://unpkg.com/@chocolateboy/uncommonjs@3.2.1
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/crypto-hash@1.3.0
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/tiny-once@1.0.0
// ==/UserScript==
const { once, sha256: encrypt } = module.exports
// ...
It can also be used to add support for (dependency-free) NPM modules to environments which only support ESM such as Deno and QuickJS.
$ deno
exit using ctrl+d or close()
> import 'https://unpkg.com/@chocolateboy/uncommonjs@3.2.1'
> import 'https://unpkg.com/micro-down@1.6.2'
> exports.parse('Hi, **this** _is_ [Markdown](#markdown)!')
'<p>Hi, <strong>this</strong> <em>is</em> <a href="#markdown" >Markdown</a>!</p>'
This is a hack to get CommonJS modules working in constrained environments such as userscripts when no other option is available. It shouldn't be used in situations or environments where sane solutions are available.
The following types are referenced in the descriptions below.
type Exports = Record<PropertyKey, any>
type Require = (id: string) => any
type Module = {
get exports (): Exports;
set exports (value: any);
readonly exported: Exports;
require: Require;
type Environment = {
module: Module;
exports: Exports;
require: Require;
type Options = {
require?: Require;
When the shim is loaded, module
, exports
are defined as global variables if they're not defined
already. Unless noted, they should have the same behavior as the corresponding
values in Node.js and other CommonJS environments.
import '@chocolateboy/uncommonjs/polyfill'
module.exports = 42
console.log(module.exported) // { "default": 42 }
The API can be imported without being automatically registered via the module's main file, e.g.:
import cjs from '@chocolateboy/uncommonjs'
const env = cjs() // { module: ..., exports: ..., require: ... }
Object.assign(globalThis, env)
An alias for module.exports
An object which contains the following properties:
(and its exports
alias) is
implemented as a thin wrapper (an ES6 Proxy) around the actual exports which
transparently handles name deduplication.
Most of the time this distinction doesn't matter, but it can crop up when
logging/debugging — e.g. when dumping the exported values with console.log
since some environments display the Proxy's internals, rather than its target.
This can make it hard to see what's actually available. The module.exported
property solves this by exposing a (read-only) view of the underlying object.
// Proxy { <target>: {…}, <handler>: {…} }
// Object { once: ..., sha1: ..., sha256: ..., ... }
An object (dictionary) of exported values which can be assigned to by name, e.g.:
module.exports.foo = function foo () { ... }
module.exports.bar = function () { ... }
is an alias for module.exports
, so named assignments to exports
are identical to named assignments to module.exports
The first time a named export is assigned, it is given the specified name.
Subsequent assignments to the same name with the same value are ignored. If
different values are assigned to the same name, they are assigned unique names
by appending numeric suffixes, e.g.: foo
, foo_1
, foo_2
In addition to named exports, default exports can be assigned directly to
. Note: unlike named exports, which can be assigned to
, default exports only work by assignment to module.exports
If a named function is assigned to module.exports
, it is equivalent to a
named export, e.g.:
module.exports = function foo () { }
is equivalent to:
module.exports.foo = function foo () { }
If the assigned value is an anonymous function or a non-function, it is
assigned the name default
. As with named exports, default assignments with
the same value are ignored and default assignments with different values are
assigned distinct names by appending a numeric suffix, e.g. default
, default_2
If a plain object is assigned to module.exports
, its properties are assigned
by name (the object's own, enumerable string keys) in addition to the default
export, e.g.:
const props = { foo, bar }
module.exports = props
is equivalent to:
module.exports.foo = foo
module.exports.bar = bar
module.exports.default = props
An alias for the require
export. Can be assigned a new require
implementation which is used whenever the exported require
function is
const mods = {
'is-even': (value => value % 2 === 0),
'is-odd': (value => value % 2 === 1),
'is-thirteen': (value => value === 13),
module.require = id => {
return mods[id] || throw new Error(...)
A function which takes a module ID (string) and returns the value exported by the module.
The default implementation is a stub which raises an exception which includes
the name of the required module. It can be overridden by assigning to
Type: (options?: Options) => Environment
import cjs from '@chocolateboy/uncommonjs'
const mods = {
'is-even': (value => value % 2 === 0),
'is-odd': (value => value % 2 === 1),
const myRequire = id => mods[id] || throw new Error(...)
const env = cjs({ require: myRequire })
Object.assign(globalThis, env)
A function which generates a new CommonJS environment, i.e. an object
containing CommonJS-compatible module
, exports
Takes an optional options object supporting the following options:
Type: Require
A require
implementation which is delegated to by the exported
function. If not supplied, it defaults to a function
which raises an exception with the supplied module ID.
- By default,
is defined but not implemented (it throws an exception): check the required modules to ensure they don't use it __filename
are not supported- Pin the versions of the required modules to avoid being caught out if they update their dependencies
- Unless a compatible
has been defined, load UMD bundles which userequire
before this shim, otherwise it will mislead them into thinking it's a real CommonJS environment
Care may need to be taken when extracting values from the exports
object into
variables if a CommonJS module (also) defines those variables at its top
level, e.g.:
function foo () { ... }
module.exports = foo
For example, while most userscript engines execute userscripts in a (nested)
scope distinct from that of the @require
s, at least one popular engine
doesn't. This means that the following won't work portably:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Non-Portable Userscript
// @include *
// @require https://unpkg.com/@chocolateboy/uncommonjs@3.2.1
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/just-safe-get@4.0.1
// ==/UserScript==
const { get } = exports // SyntaxError
get(obj, path)
Because the userscript is evaluated in the same scope as the CommonJS module, the name is already defined and the declaration results in an error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: redeclaration of function `get`
The same issue can occur in other contexts, e.g. if the shim is being used on a webpage.
The solution is to wrap the code (or the parts of the code which assign
properties of exports
to local variables) in a nested scope, e.g. a
or IIFE:
(function () {
const { get } = exports // OK
get(obj, path)
Alternatively, it may be simpler to access the export by its qualified name, e.g.:
exports.get(obj, path) // OK
The following NPM scripts are available:
- build - compile the library for testing and save to the target directory
- build:doc - update the table-of-contents (TOC) in the README
- build:release - compile the library for release and save to the target directory
- clean - remove the target directory and its contents
- rebuild - clean the target directory and recompile the library
- test - recompile the library and run the test suite
- test:run - run the test suite
- typecheck - sanity check the library's type definitions
- any environment with ES6 support
- in strict mode, globals are assigned to
, which may need to be polyfilled
- GreasyFork Libraries
- Observable - How to require stubborn modules
- packd - a web service which converts NPM packages to UMD bundles
- quickjs-require - a CommonJS
implementation for QuickJS - REPKG - a web service which converts NPM packages to UMD bundles
Copyright © 2020 by chocolateboy.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT license.