Venom is a 12-DOF unmanned Quadruped(four legged robot) equipped with 12 Servo Actuators an ARM Processor for onboard computations.
The Quadruped is based on Sprawling type motion with creep and trot gait successfully implemented on it.
This is a part of research project in Legged Mobility at Society of Robotics and Automation, VJTI.
- Most of the robots available in the industry make use of wheels for navigation. The goal is to build legged vehicle with multiple-terrain mobility superior to existing wheeled and tracked vehicles.
- The system would be able to travel anywhere a person or animal could go using their legs while carrying its own fuel and payload. It would be smart enough to negotiate terrain with a minimum of human guidance and intervention
Demo Video
venom = Quadruped(servoId) # Servo ID Array
venom.setParams(dirVector,FixedPoints)# Servo Direction and Set Points
input("Press Enter") # Wait for user Input
- Requires Python 3.4+ installed on RaspberryPi (or Similar Development Board).
- Jetson Nano (RasberryPi will work as well)
- Servo Motors: 12 Dynamixel AX-12A or better / any Normal PWM Servo Motor (Torque > 20kgcm ).
- Servo Motors(Alternate Servos): Coreless Servo
- PCA9685 16 Channel PWM Servo Driver for PWM Servo , CM-530 Robotis Servo Controller for Dyanmixel Servos.
- Acrylic Chasis (CAD Files Available)
- Clone this repo to your local machine using
Install dependencies
$ python3 -m pip install numpy adafruit_servokit busio sympy
Chinmay Nehate | Suyash More | Shashank Deshmukh |
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