Starter project template of full stack web development
Screenshots of a demo application that uses this template
The live demo can be found here. The repo for the demo can be found here
- Laravel 6.x
- Vue.js 2.5
- TypeScript
- Vuetify (Material Design)
- Reusable dialog
- NProgress on axios request
- Hooks
- Vuex (with secure storage)
- Vuelidate
With composer
$ composer create-project --prefer-dist chinloyal/lavuet ProjectName
$ cd ProjectName
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
From github
$ git clone /~ ProjectName
$ cd ProjectName
$ composer install
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
$ cp .env.example .env
$ php artisan key:generate
$ npm run watch # build and watch
$ npm run hot # serve with hot reload
$ npm run prod
Firstly include the AppDialog component in your main layout blade file.
Now you can use the dialog from any component by accessing $dialog
on your vue instance.
// Snippet of code
deleteItem() {
title: 'Confirm Delete',
message: 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?',
showCancelBtn: true,
onConfirm() {
// Delete item
Available Options on the app dialog
showCancelBtn?: boolean;
cancelBtnText?: string;
okBtnText?: string;
title: string;
message: string;
visible?: boolean;
dialogType?: string;
onConfirm?: Function;
'?' Means optional
If you have need to store data in local storage simply use the utility provided in the utils folder.
import { SecureStorage } from '@/utils/secure-storage';
const storage = SecureStorage.getInstance();
storage.set('key', 'value');
It uses localStorage but encrypts the data stored so it cannot be accessed from the console.
NB: In your .env file for laravel set
with a strong key.
Hooks allow you to enforce rules before you push, commit or even install a package.
There are a few hooks prebuilt you can use in the .hooks
folder. For example you can enforce the use of npm
over yarn
and vice versa in the configure.js file. Next simply run the hook from your package.json preinstall script by adding "preinstall": "node .hooks/frontend/configure.js"
Other things that can be enforced are branch names, how up to date the branch is with another branch and even linting.
- This is not an SPA.
- You can use vuetify components in blade files