Solubility and concentration database of common chemical substances.
Solubility of common salts at ambient temperatures. Solubility values are given in molality terms and temperature values in celsius. Reference: Rumble, J. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 98th Edition, CRC Press LLC, 2017. [Data] [Tutorial]
Aqueous solubility of 316 inorganic compounds at various temperatures. Solubility values are expressed as mass percent of solute. Reference: Rumble, J. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 98th Edition, CRC Press LLC, 2017. [Data] [Tutorial]
Just clone or download this repo. This is not a package (yet, maybe someday :-))
See the tutorials files for each data set.
This project relies mainly on Pandas, SciPy, Matplotlib and chempy.
All contributions are welcome.
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- more examples for the tutorial
- enhancement requests and new useful features
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- before starting to work on your pull request, please submit an issue first
- fork the repo
- clone the project to your own machine
- commit changes to your own branch
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If you use this project in a scientific publication or in classes, please consider citing as
F. L. S. Bustamante, Solutions - Solubility and concentration database of common chemical substances., 2020 - Available at: /~