This repository is a set of workarounds and convenience functions to facilitate Large Language Models through Bazel. Although there are great ambitiond, it's currently a fairly modest offer yet, focusing on simplifying the library definition, tracking OS-specific differences, and reducing the per-repository load.
Documentation is mostly from Examples in ./examples/ directory.
Examples in ./examples/ are built with every PR to ensure that that they accurately represent functional demonstrations: pay attention to the comment around local_repository() in each directory's WORKSPACE, but otherwise the intent is that you can cut-n-paste and immediately build without other changes.
Rules_ai does not currently use bzlmod: in switching, the python resources have different names, which breaks much of the vendored requirements. Resolving this is a later goal.
In order to use rules_ai to simply build -- for example, a LangChain implementation -- start with the WORKSPACE file:
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository")
name = "rules_ai",
commit = "29485f606d3309c8e6059e39e42e4578c10d01a2",
remote = "/~",
load("@rules_ai//:deps.bzl", rules_ai_dependencies = "dependencies")
rules_ai_dependencies() # define before use of python_defs.bzl
load("@rules_ai//:python_defs.bzl", rules_ai_py_toolchain = "py_toolchain")
rules_ai_py_toolchain(python_version = "3.9", python_repo_name = "python39")
# Load a pre-curated set of default per-OS requirements, naming the repo "pypi", then (a standard
# step of "rules_python" use) install the dependencies defined in this vendored requirements spec
load("@rules_ai//:requirements.bzl", "vendored_requirements")
vendored_requirements(name = "pypi")
load("@pypi//:requirements.bzl", "install_deps")
Notice that:
- we set the python version, and a "python39" label; later, this is "@python39"
- we use
vendored_requirements(name = "pypi")
, which defines our "@pypi" for the followingload("@pypi...)
In this way, we have a version-locked python implementation, and a version-locked set of python dependnecies form a standard "" file.
Next, define a BUILD.bazel file:
load("@pypi//:requirements.bzl", "requirement")
load("@rules_python//python:defs.bzl", "py_binary", "py_test")
name = "main",
srcs = [""],
deps = [
name = "test",
size = "small",
srcs = [""],
deps = [":main"],
These py_binary
and py_test
methods are standard rules_python
, and if you copied the
WORKSPACE above and didn't define a rules_python
, rules_ai_dependencies()
do so for you.
For every import torch
or from transformers import pipeline
, for any library "libname" that you
need, you have to set deps
to include "@pypi_{libname}//:pkg". This will get cleaned up into the
NOTE that the requirement
from @pypi//:requirements.bzl
is not yet used; I'd like to return to
that, but it has some oddities to resolve.
Now, just write some python, such as a
as shown in the srcs=
of the py_binary()
from transformers import pipeline, pipelines
def recognize() -> pipelines.token_classification.TokenClassificationPipeline:
return pipeline(
"ner", # ner == Named Entity Recognition
grouped_entities=True, # this causes words like "Allan Clark" to remain grouped
def main():
# Instantiate the pipeline
recognizer = recognize()
# Exercise the pipeline
rec = recognizer(
"Hi I'm Allan Clark from Seattle, and I used the Bazel tool at Apple, Snap, and BCAI"
print(f"Result: {rec}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
This is a fairly standard python file, a really simplified version of what you'd use for a
LangChain from Huggingface. The Named_Entity_Recognizer here is similar to the examples/ directory
demonstrates. rec = recogniser(...)
is probably what you'd replace with additional text to scan
and produce recognized entities.
Of course, if you really loved it, you'd unittest it, so:
import unittest
import main # our, available because py_test(name="test",..) has deps=[":main"]
# transformers is available because py_test() has deps=[":main"], and py_binary(name="main",...)
# has deps = [ "@pypi_transformers//:pkg", ],
from transformers import pipelines
class ExampleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_main(self):
recognizer = main.recognize() #defined in
recognizer, pipelines.token_classification.TokenClassificationPipeline
# Exercise/acivate the pipeline
recognize = recognizer(
"Hi I'm Allan Clark from Seattle, and I used the Bazel tool at Apple, Snap, and BCAI"
self.assertIs(type(recognize), list) # result is a list of dicts
self.assertIs(type(recognize[0]), dict)
# this is not reliable in general; empirically, the model gave me 6 tokens
self.assertEqual(len(recognize), 6)
if __name__ == "__main__":
bazel build //...
of course builds everything,
bazel test //...
of course tests everything (all one unittests)
bazel run :main
will run the resulting bazel-bin/main
It may look like this (NOTE: 45 second runtime -- mostly spent loading data):
$ time ./bazel-bin/main
No model was supplied, defaulted to ...
Result: [
{'entity_group': 'PER', 'score': 0.9996722, 'word': 'Allan Clark', 'start': 7, 'end': 18},
{'entity_group': 'LOC', 'score': 0.99831665, 'word': 'Seattle', 'start': 24, 'end': 31},
{'entity_group': 'MISC', 'score': 0.90329456, 'word': 'Bazel', 'start': 48, 'end': 53},
{'entity_group': 'ORG', 'score': 0.9920346, 'word': 'Apple', 'start': 62, 'end': 67},
{'entity_group': 'ORG', 'score': 0.8777158, 'word': 'Snap', 'start': 69, 'end': 73},
{'entity_group': 'ORG', 'score': 0.980426, 'word': 'BCAI', 'start': 79, 'end': 83}
real 0m44.626s
user 0m23.808s
sys 0m6.634s