live url:
- This is a job finding website where user can search for jobs by typing the job title in the search bar, and can also filter the jobs by location and job type.
- User can also see the job details by clicking on the job card. and can apply for the job by clicking on the apply button with necessary details and verification. User can also post their own job. manage applicants from their dashboard page, which is only accessible by the user who posted the job.
- different packages is used to make the website more interactive and user friendly.
- framer motion is used to add soft animation. tanstack react query is used to get data from api. this will also cache the data for better performance.
- A nice blog page is added. where i have used my own custom function to get the data from the api which comes as a markdown format and then i have converted it to html format to show it in the blog page.
React js | Express js | Mongodb | Tailwind CSS
you need to install node js in your machine. you can download and install node js from their official website.
git clone /~
npm install
npm run dev