Cloned from Friday Userbot on 28/01/2021.. Full credits to Friday Developers
β Most of the plugins in this are developed FridayUserbot and many others.. So, all respect and credits goes to them
β Also original owners of modules mentioned at the top of every module.
Full credits mentioned at the bottom
β It is recommend you to use the Friday Userbot. It is more better than other userbots
Complete guide on deploying VirtualUserbot to Heroku.
β Video by TWE β
Also show some support to the base project Friday Userbot
Get APP ID and API HASH from HERE and BOT TOKEN from Bot Father and then Turn on Inline mode for the bot
This is the way thar your userbot connects with you. Need an AppID ApiHash and a username to go..
Create a account on Heroku first. Then goto settings scroll to bottom. Reaveal API and get api
Create a private group on Telegram.
Add MissRoseBot to you group and give Admin permissions.
Turn Chat history for members in Manage group
send /id
and get the group's ID
- Sinhala (si)
- English (en)
Enter si
or en
in lang section while deploying to deploy bot in desired Language
To Sinhala =>
.set var lang si
To English =>
.set var lang en
Always try to Deploy this source. If not you will miss the future updates
Dynos are used on heroku. On free accounts You will get 600 free dyno hours. When you link your CC you will get aditional 400 dyno for free.
Ater Building app is completed.. Goto Heroku, Select your app and goto Resources Tab. Then turn * worker bash * to ON
Chack Heroku logs then.. If you done any mistakes they will shown there.
Goto telegram and send .help to see the help of your Userbot
Send .a
to approove users to PM you
and, .da
to disapproove
If you Dont like this send .set var PM_DATA DISABLE
Using the Bot (Not Recommended)
Simply clone the repository and run the main file:
# Install Git First.
git clone /~
# Open Git Cloned File
cd FridayUserbot
# Config Virtual Env
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
# Install All Requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Create with variables as given below
# Start Bot
python3 -m virtualuserbot
[+] Only two of the environment variables are mandatory.
[+] This is because of telethon.errors.rpc_error_list.ApiIdPublishedFloodError
[-] APP_ID: You can get this value from
[-] API_HASH : You can get this value from
[+] The virtualUserbot will not work without setting the mandatory vars.
VirtualUserbot is Free Software: You can use, study share and improve it at your will. Specifically you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
FridayUserBot β€οΈ - Most of the Plugins Taken from this Project.. Made possible by this. Full Credits. Full Respect Best userbot ever
DarkCobra π - Image Tools Plugins Copied from DC Project.. Credits to DC Team
CatUserbot - Internal Core Plugins taken.. Helped a lot to fix bugs in source.. Full respect
Uniborg - Userbots Made possible. Credits
TeleBot - Speed Boosted by the help of this source code.. Credits
Black Lightning - Got Fun tools from this.. Respect
Virtualuserbot don't have any torrent leeching plugins.. So risk of bans in TG is low But somehow if you get banned or anything happened WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM
There are various plugins in virtualuserbot owned by Friday and other userbots.. All the plugins are reconfigured for for virtualuserbot. So if you have any errors please report only to the virtualuserbot developers