The Fibernavigator is a tool designed for a fast and versatile visualization of streamline datasets.
Welcome new users
You can find a pre-built executable and all the latest tools here: /~
If you use the Fibernavigator, please make sure that you quote the following references in any publications:
Chamberland M., Whittinstall K., Fortin D., Mathieu D., and Descoteaux M., "Real-time multi-peak tractography for instantaneous connectivity display." Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 8 (59): 1-15, 2014.
Chamberland M., Bernier M., Fortin D., Whittinstall K., and Descoteaux M., "3D interactive tractography-informed resting-state fMRI connectivity", Frontiers in Neuroscience (Brain Imaging Methods) 9:275, 2015
NEW: Updated live demo on how-to use the tractography tools:
Some tutorials here: Tutorial Page.
Video tutorials of the Fibernavigator are available.
- Optic radiation : Real-time tractography of the optic radiation using HCP data
- Scene navigation: how to interact with the 3D view, move planes, etc.
- Mesh display and interaction: how to create and modify the display of meshes.
- Drawing tool: how to draw on empty or already existing anatomies.
- Fiber navigation: how to interact with fibers and select a subset of them.
- Opacity rendering: how to generate orientation-dependent opacity rendering.
- Tractography-driven resting-state fMRI: how to combine dMRI with fMRI.
A list of all tutorials can be seen on the Tutorial Page page.
- Fast and efficient visualization of the results of deterministic and probabilistic tractograms.
- Interactive selection of fibers.
- Real-time fiber tractography (Chamberland et al. 2014, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics).
- Orientation-dependent opacity rendering (Tax et al. 2015, PLoS ONE).
- Display of MRI & functional MRI. Image Gallery
- Build instructions for Ubuntu and other Linux distributions are provided
- Visit the wiki for MAC building
- Windows builds are available on the Releases page.
- Issues can be submitted in the issue tracker.
- Various development and use recommandations and how-to are located on the wiki.
A note for previous users
This is the new source for the code and documentation of the original Fibernavigator.
All issues have been moved to the new issue tracker. New issues will also be tracked here.