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aditiiyer edited this page Mar 30, 2018 · 14 revisions

Merging using the GUI

  1. Launch CERR's Viewer and load a plan.

  2. Select File --> Merge Plans --> Click the Browse button in the pop-up window to select the plan(.mat,.bz2) to be merged.

  3. The UI lists all components (scans, doses and structures) in the selected plan archive. Select/deselect desired components and click Merge .

  4. To view the new (merged) scan, select it from the the Scan Menu.

Merging programmatically

To merge part or all of planD into planC, use:

planC = loadPlanC('path\to\firstplan',tempdir);  
planD = loadPlanC('path\to\secondplan',tempdir);  
planC = planMerge(planC, planD, scanIndV, doseIndV, structIndV, mergefileName)  


planC = planMerge(planC, planD, 'all', [], [1,2,3], 'path\to\outputFileName');   
  • If no other parameters beyond the two plans are provided, all doses, scans, structures, and uniformized data from planD are added to planC.

  • If it exists, the scan numbers in scanIndV from planD are merged into planC. If scanIndV = [], no scans are merged. If scanIndV ='all', all scans are merged.

  • If it exists, the dose numbers in doseIndV from planD are merged into planC. If doseIndV = [], no doses are merged. If doseIndV= 'all', all doses are merged.

  • If it exists, the dose numbers in doseIndV from planD are merged into planC. If doseIndV = [], no doses are merged. If doseIndV ='all' all doses are merged.

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