CEL.ro Marketplace API wrapper in PHP
PHP >= 7.2.5
PHP >= 5.6
[RO] Daca sunteti interesati de crearea unui cont de testare, va rugam sa ne contactati la: mp [_ AT _] cel.ro
[EN] If you are interested in creating an account for testing purposes, please contact us at: mp [_ AT _] cel.ro
Pentru informatii referitoare la Postman, accesati: /~https://github.com/celdotro/marketplace/wiki/PostmanRO
For information regarding Postman, access: /~https://github.com/celdotro/marketplace/wiki/PostmanEN
[RO] Pentru a consulta documentatia, vizitati pagina de mai jos:
[EN] In order to read the documentation, visit the link below:
[RO] /~https://github.com/celdotro/marketplace/wiki/Instalare
[RO] /~https://github.com/celdotro/marketplace/wiki/Informatii-generale
[EN] /~https://github.com/celdotro/marketplace/wiki/General-Information
dp [_ AT _] cel.ro