is a backgammon engine based on neural networks. Currently, it's in alpha stage.
As of January 2024, it reaches an error rate of roughly 5.9 for 1-pointers when being analyzed with GnuBG 2-ply.
For discussions, please join the Discord Server Computer Backgammon .
- Provide source code and documentation to train neural nets from zero to super human strength.
- Implement logic to evaluate all kind of backgammon positions: cubeless and cubeful equities, multi-ply evaluation, rollouts, etc.
- Make the backgammon engine accessible via an easy-to-use HTTP JSON API.
A graphical user interface (GUI) is not part of this project.
Thanks to @tslocum you can play against BOT_wildbg
on his new backgammon server https://bgammon.org.
No need to download a client or register.
The source code of the bot can be found here. There are also winning statistics available.
On OpenGammon.org you can play against WildBG
Thanks to @oysteijo you can play against wildbg
on the backgammon server FIBS. As FIBS client I recommend JavaFibs.
You can access the API and see yourself how wildbg
would move: https://wildbg-pwuo.shuttle.app/swagger-ui/
An example for the starting position and rolling 3 and 1: https://wildbg-pwuo.shuttle.app/move?die1=3&die2=1&p24=2&p19=-5&p17=-3&p13=5&p12=-5&p8=3&p6=5&p1=-2
Install Rust on your machine and then execute cargo run
or cargo run --release
A web server will be started which you can access via http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/
Beware that the networks committed to this repository are very small networks just for demonstration purposes. You can find the latest training progress and networks here: /~https://github.com/carsten-wenderdel/wildbg-training
- HTTP API: https://wildbg.shuttleapp.rs/swagger-ui/
- C API: docs/user/wildbg-c.md
- Code structure: docs/dev/architecture.md
- Engine: docs/dev/engine.md
- Training process: docs/dev/training.md
Also see the CHANGELOG for a list of changes.
This project is inspired and influenced by other backgammon engines:
- TD-Gammon by Gerald Tesauro brought the idea of using neural networks to backgammon
- GnuBG - The strongest open source backgammon engine
Thanks to JetBrains for providing a free license for their IDEs via their Open Source Support Program.
Help is more than welcome! There are some smaller tasks but also bigger ones, see /~https://github.com/carsten-wenderdel/wildbg/issues. Currently, most needed is:
Licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.