Works well in Sublime Text (2) and TextMate.
sublime-color-schemes are now included in the well known Sublime Package Control by wbond. Follow the Sublime Package Control installation instructions and then search for " carlcalderon ".
Either download the repository and copy-paste the themes that you like to your Packages directory or clone the reponsitory using the following command.
git clone /~ ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/Color\ Scheme\ \-\ carlcalderon
Please feel free to comment, suggest, stab or pull request. The goal is to create and maintain the best possible schemes to everyone. Any Flattr dontations are much appreciated!
Finder Light:
Finder modified by Gavin Blair
Heavily based on Monokai by Wimer Hazenberg. JSON, GitGutter and Markdown support added by André Zanghelini.