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Mobile Android App of the recommendation system for people with cardiovascular diseases

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Mobile App

Mobile Android App of the recommendation system for people with cardiovascular diseases

Start instruction

  1. Сlone this repository in any convenient way to your computer
  2. For local starting system on this step we highly recommend starting local server: /~
  3. Open terminal and go to folder "emulator" in your PC
    Defualt way for MacOS: cd /Users//Library/Android/sdk/emulator/
    Defualt way for Windows: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator
  4. Use command below to check existing emulator's names
    emulator -list-avd
  5. Use command below for starting emulator.
    emulator -avd -netdelay none -netspeed full
  6. For local starting system open file: /CardioAnalyst/app/src/main/java/is/ulstu/cardioanalyst/app.Const
    Change BASE_URL param to
  7. Open terminal and go to downloaded project folder and install app to your emulator.
    ./gradlew installDebug
  8. Finally, starting Cardio Analyst application in your emulator!

If the emulator is missing on your computer, you can use the following instruction

  1. Download and install Android Studio:
  2. Open downloaded project in Android Studio
  3. Please check for default emulator. In case of absence emulator create new one following this instruction: