Nixie tube driver code for 51 MCU
This code is designed for 51 MCU with core frequency of 11.0592MHz.
The input (control panel) is on P3: P3.7: Hour++; P3.6: Minute++; P3.5: Second = 0; P3.4: Minute--; P3.3: Hour--.
The output is on I/O P2, P1, and P0. P2: Hour; P1: Minute; P0: Second. Each port is devided into two parts, high value and low value; for example, P1(7:4) is designed for the tens of minute value. The output signal is coded in BCD code, you will need 74/54LS138 to decode this signal into one-hot signal.
For example, if the time is 15:22:08, the output will be:
P2: 00010101; P1: 00100010; P0: 00001000.
After 3-8 decodedr (74LS138):
Hour_H: 1; Hour_L: 5; Min_H: 2; Min_L: 2; Sec_H: 0; Sec_L: 8.
Notice: you will ned an extra 1k resistor for P0 to pull it high.
P2,P1,P0将作为时钟时,分,秒信号输出。 每一个Port将会被分为高四位与第四位,比如说,P1的7654脚将作为时针的十位输出。输出编码格式为BCD,你将需要74LS138解码器来将这个信号转化为One-hot信号。
P2: 00010101; P1: 00100010; P0: 00001000.
Hour_H: 1; Hour_L: 5; Min_H: 2; Min_L: 2; Sec_H: 0; Sec_L: 8.