This repository holds the Juju Kubernetes charmed operator for GLAuth, an open-sourced LDAP server.
The glauth-k8s
charmed operator can be deployed using the following command:
juju deploy glauth-k8s --channel edge --trust
The glauth-k8s
charmed operator uses
the Charmed PostgreSQL K8s Operator
as the backend:
juju deploy postgresql-k8s --channel 14/stable --trust
juju integrate glauth-k8s postgresql-k8s
The glauth-k8s
charmed operator also requires a certificate provider. Take
the self-signed-certificates-operator
as an example:
juju deploy self-signed-certificates --channel stable --trust
juju integrate glauth-k8s self-signed-certificates
The glauth-k8s
charmed operator offers the ldap
integration with any
LDAP client charmed operator following
the ldap
interface protocol.
juju integrate <ldap-client-charm>:ldap glauth-k8s:ldap
The glauth-k8s
charmed operator provides the glauth_auxiliary
integration with
the glauth-utils
charmed operator
to deliver necessary auxiliary configurations.
juju integrate glauth-utils glauth-k8s
The glauth-k8s
charmed operator provides the certificate_transfer
integration with any charmed operator following the certificate_transfer
interface protocol.
juju integrate <client-charm> glauth-k8s
The glauth-k8s
charmed operator requires the integration with the
charmed operator following the postgresql_client
juju integrate glauth-k8s postgresql-k8s
The glauth-k8s
charmed operator requires the tls-certificates
integration with any charmed operator following the tls_certificates
interface protocol.
Take the self-signed-certificates-operator
as an example:
juju integrate glauth-k8s self-signed-certificates
GLAuth operator integrates with Canonical Observability Stack (COS) bundle. It comes with a Grafana dashboard and Loki and Prometheus alert rules for basic common scenarios. To integrate with the COS bundle, after you deploy it, you can run:
juju integrate glauth-k8s:metrics-endpoint prometheus:metrics-endpoint
juju integrate glauth-k8s:logging loki:logging
juju integrate glauth-k8s:grafana-dashboard grafana:grafana-dashboard
The glauth-k8s
charmed operator offers the following charm configuration
Charm Config Option | Description | Example |
base_dn |
The portion of the DIT in which to search for matching entries | juju config <charm-app> base-dn="dc=glauth,dc=com" |
starttls_enabled |
The switch to enable/disable StartTLS support | juju config <charm-app> starttls_enabled=true |
anonymousdse_enabled |
The switch to enable/disable anonymous access to the root DSE | juju config <charm-app> anonymousdse_enabled=true |
- Please refer to the
for more details about the configurations.
Please refer to the Contributing for developer guidance. Please see the Juju SDK documentation for more information about developing and improving charms.
The GLAuth Kubernetes Charmed Operator is free software, distributed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.