- Solution URL: /~https://github.com/camilorocca/qr-code-component
- Live Site URL: https://camilorocca.github.io/qr-code-component
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox & Grid
- Semantic HTML, AOM, ARIA.
shorthand- A lot of other things
- How to use properly padding, margin + flexbox
- How to reduce code
- Semantic HTML - Here I learned about the browsers' Accessibility Object Model, and started to know how to proper structure an HTML document. From here, delved into WAI-ARIA Roles and First Rule of ARIA.
- "Stretching body to full viewport height: the missing way" - Alternatives to
min-height: 100vh
- Inspired (a lot) by Abdul Khalid. Thank you for your example in every little detail, from the structure of the code to the README badges. Just by studying this simple exercise of yours, I've learned TONS.
- Factoria F5 Thanks for the introducing me to the coding Wonderland!