This is me, and here's my twitter handle.
I tweet beginner-friendly GitHub issues to help developers start their open source contribution journey.
- Someone who is new to coding.
☺️ - Someone who has been coding for a while, but has never contributed to open source projects. 😌
- Neither of these and now wondering why are you here? 😳
- Follow me on Twitter.
- Keep an eye out for various issues which I tweet.
- Grab any issue which you like or find easy.
- Make your first open source contribution.
- And that's it! You did it.
That's one small step for [a] developer, one giant leap for open source community.
There is always scope for improvement. Please create issues or pull requests if you want to make any changes.
- Maven
- Java 8+
- Clone the repository.
git clone /~
- Change directory to the cloned repository.
cd first-open-source-commit-bot
- Build the jar.
mvn assembly:assembly -DdescriptorId=jar-with-dependencies
- Run the bot locally.
java -jar target/first-open-source-commit-bot-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
The image used was created by Irina Mir and can be found here.