A C library for reading and writing files in the IDX format, as used for the MNIST data-set.
LibIDX is written in C99, and depends only on the C standard library, including libm if you are on linux.
It can be built and installed using the Meson build system.
To setup a new build directory:
$ meson setup build --warnlevel=3 --prefix=/usr/local
Run tests by calling:
$ meson test -C build --print-errorlogs
There should be no warnings and no failures. If you do see any warnings,
please report them as a bug. For development, pass --werror
meson setup
to make sure that you don't miss any.
Assuming that the build is successful and the tests pass, install by running:
$ meson install
Alternatively, you can copy and paste include/idx.h
and src/idx.c
your project and build using project build system.
libidx does not allocate memory. Instead it provides the idx_size function which will calculate and return the number of bytes required to store an idx data-structure with the requested settings. Users should call idx_size, allocate a file or buffer of the suggested size, then initialize it using idx_init.
size_t idx_size(IdxType type, int ndims, ...);
idx_size ill return 0 if the number exceeds what can be represented by size_t, or if type is not recognized or not supported.
The signature of idx_init is almost the same as idx_size except that it takes a pointer to an uninitialized buffer as its first argument.
void idx_init(void *data, IdxType type, int ndims, ...);
Writes an idx header with the given settings to data and clears the remaining space.
IdxError idx_validate(const void *data, size_t len);
Checks that data points to a consistent idx structure that takes up len bytes. If validation passes then any further operations on the structure with matching settings should always succeed.
The IdxError type is used to describe errors detected during validation. As, apart from IDX_NO_ERROR, these all indicate an issue with input to an application, it is not expected that calling code will be able to recover automatically. As a consequence, no guarantee is made that the same error code will be returned for the same invalid data. More values may be added in future to improve error reporting, but this should not affect the ABI.
- The currently exported error codes are as follows:
: Indicates that the data was found to be valid.IDX_ERROR_TRUNCATED
: Indicates that the buffer in which an idx data-structure is meant to be stored is shorter than needed.IDX_ERROR_OVERALLOCATED
: Indicates that the buffer in which an idx data-structure is stored is too big, and contains extra data at the end.IDX_ERROR_BAD_PADDING
: Indicates that the two empty bytes at the beginning of the structure contain something other than zeroes.IDX_ERROR_UNKNOWN_TYPE_CODE
: Indicates that the idx data-structure contains values of an unsupported type.IDX_ERROR_OVERFLOW
: Indicates that the length of the data-structure exceeds what can be represented by a size_t.
It is assumed that callers will check for IDX_NO_ERROR
instead of trying to
handle error codes individually. Other error codes should be passed to
idx_error_string to get a human readable description.
const char *idx_error_string(IdxError error);
idx_error_string returns a pointer to a static null terminated string containing the human readable name for a particular error code. If the error code is not recognized will return "unknown error". All strings are noun phrases with no capitalisation and no terminating full stop or newline.
Once a structure is constructed or validated it is assumed to be correct.
Any data issues detected after this will result in libidx calling abort
libidx does not provide any way to modify an IDX data-structure that would
affect its integrity, i.e. metadata is read-only, so it should never abort if
used correctly.
Functions for reading metadata assume that the data-structure has been checked using idx_validate, or constructed using idx_init.
IdxType idx_type(const void *data);
Returns the type code of the idx structure pointed to by data. Expects that data points to a validated idx structure.
bool idx_type_supported(IdxType type);
Returns true if libidx supports reading and writing values with the given type code, otherwise returns false.
- The currently supported types are:
As the spec is effectively dead it is unlikely that any new types will be added in future.
uint8_t idx_ndims(const void *data);
Returns the number of dimensions of that information stored in data. Expects that data points to a validated idx structure.
size_t idx_bound(const void *data, uint8_t dim);
Returns the extent of the data in a given dimension. Does not verify that data is a valid idx structure. Will abort the process if the data contains fewer than dim dimensions. To avoid this, the number of dimensions should be checked in advance using idx_ndims.
libidx provides a collection of variadic functions for reading and writing values.
All functions expect a pointer to an idx data structure, an int containing the number of dimensions, and a number of integer indices.
These assume that the type of the values stored in the data-structure, and the number of dimensions are known statically.
The ndims parameter should be considered static. If libidx was written in C++ then ndims would be a template parameter. ndims must have a value equal to the number of arguments that follow it.
The type is similarly static, but is passed to libidx by calling a different specialisation.
Calling a function with the wrong type, passing the wrong number of indices, or passing an index that exceeds the bounds of the corresponding dimension will cause libidx to abort the process. These constraints can all be checked in advance so there is no excuse.
C does not provide a safe way to distinguish between quiet and signalling NaNs.
When reading, all NaNs will be mapped to the value defined by the NAN
in math.h. When writing, all NaNs are treated as quiet and encoded by
setting only the most significant bit of the significand to one.
Attempting to do anything else would be unsafe as how the significand bits of a
NaN are interpreted is implementation defined.
uint8_t idx_get_uint8(const void *data, int ndims, ...);
int8_t idx_get_int8(const void *data, int ndims, ...);
int16_t idx_get_int16(const void *data, int ndims, ...);
int32_t idx_get_int32(const void *data, int ndims, ...);
float idx_get_float(const void *data, int ndims, ...);
double idx_get_double(const void *data, int ndims, ...);
Functions to retrieve a value at a given index in the idx structure. These do not verify that the structure is valid. All getters will abort if the type or number of dimensions do not match, or if the requested element is out of bounds.
void idx_set_uint8(void *data, uint8_t value, int ndims, ...);
void idx_set_int8(void *data, int8_t value, int ndims, ...);
void idx_set_int16(void *data, int16_t value, int ndims, ...);
void idx_set_int32(void *data, int32_t value, int ndims, ...);
void idx_set_float(void *data, float value, int ndims, ...);
void idx_set_double(void *data, double value, int ndims, ...);
Functions to overwrite elements in an idx data-structure with new data. These functions do not verify that data is a valid idx structure. All setters will abort if their type does not match the type of the idx structure, or if the ndims does not match the actual number of dimensions. do not match those requested, or if the requested element is out of bounds.
The project is made available under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.