(*) Only run Test.java (main class).
*Create a server:
> if player wants to create a new server: Press Key [S].
> Enter a port number for connection.
> Enter a player/user name.
> Wait client other player/user to start game.
*Connect a server:
> if player wants to connect a server: Press Key [C].
> Enter server IP address.
> Enter server Port number.
> Enter a player/user name.
(*) Test.class: Main Class -> Main Menu for create a server or connect as client.
(*) PongServer.class: Server class -> Create a server, render frames, gets inputs and sets outputs, checking collisions and managing game network and objects.
(*) PongClient.java: Client class -> Connecting to server, render frames, gets inputs and communicates with server.
(*) PlayerServer.java: Contains the player's properties, ball's properties and game score. This object is sent to the client by the server.
(*) PlayerClient.java: Contains the player's properties. This object is sent to the server by the client.
Java network object serialization. An object stream cycle provides the connection which behind the server and client.
> Move Bar: Key Up / Key Down - Arrow Keys