buildspace was built on these projects. it's been awesome to see so many people excited to check out something we created. we are starting to move away from these projects and beginning something much bigger which you can checkout here. with that said --
we know a lot of you are still going through these projects and want to go through more. keep reading for more info:
can I still go through projects?
yup. just head to or /~ and you can access them like you normally would
are there going to be any new projects added?
nope. there are no plans for adding new projects to buildspace
will you all still be accepting PRs?
while we want to keep track of all the PRs that come through, it's really hard for us to keep up right now. if you have a PR that is game changing email us at
and let us know!
can I use this content for something I'm working on?
most definitely! feel free to use it, but make sure to reference it was content generated by buildspace :).
how can I keep up to date with buildspace?
head to and apply :)
thank you all for making this place amazing. shout out to all the contributors listed below, we couldn't have gotten this for without you!
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!