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Metal trade implementation around the world with a trade dataset by using hash table and graph.

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Metal trade implementation around the world with a trade dataset by using hash table and graph.

World Metal Trade Dataset

The dataset contains information on trade miscellaneous manufactures of metal among 80 countries in 1994. All countries with entries in the paper version of the Commodity Trade Statistics published by the United Nations were included, but for some countries, the 1993 data (Austria, Seychelles, Bangladesh, Croatia, and Barbados) or 1995 data (South Africa and Ecuador) were used because they were not available for 1994. You can read more about the dataset at World Metal Trade Dataset.

Node class represents countries with its additional information such as the country id as vid, country name as country, continent, and gross domestic product as gdp. Edge class represents imports by one country from another for the class of commodities designated as 'miscellaneous manufactures of metal', which represents high technology products or heavy manufacture. The absolute value of imports (in 1000 US$) is used but imports with values less than 1% of the country's total imports were omitted. There are two fields in Edge class under private section. tailNode represents the country that imports the metal. import represents the import value. There is no self-loop within the dataset. Each field is separated by tab characters in the dataset.

Hash Table Part

HashTable class implements the hash table structure. In this hash table, every possible place in the table is able to store at most 2 values, called a Bucket. Bucket structures have an array of 2 Entrys. If the bucket for a key is used, then your hash table should use the standard open addressing (quadratic probing) to find the next bucket for that key.

HashUtils class contains two hash functions for the keys of type string and int respectively, and a function for finding the next appropriate size for the hash table. Implementations of these functions can be found in HashUtils.cpp.

Entry struct is implemented in HashTable.h. Each Entry object stores information regarding a single key-value pair in the hash table. Key variable of type K should store the original key variable given in the Insert method of the entry. Value variables of type T store the value given in the Insert method. Active variable of type bool denotes that the key-value pair stored in this entry is valid. For example, the 0th entry of the 0th bucket in the example above is not valid, however, 0th entries of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th bucket are valid and their Active fields are set as true. Initially, Active variable of each Entry object is set to false. Deleted variable stores whether this entry has been deleted before. Initially, every Entry object has this variable as false.

There are some hash table methods. Implementation and explanations of these methods are included in HashTable.h. Also, inspecting the details of HashTable class for a better understanding of the Bucket and Entry structures would be nice.

Graph Part

Graph class constructs the trade representation. Each vertex represents a country, each directed edge represents imports by one country from another. The edge should be directed towards the country that imports the commodity. Each node has a country id, country name, continent, and gdp. Each edge has an import value in the US dollar which you should consider as the edge weight. The adjacency list of the graph is stored in a hash table as follows: HashTable< string; list < Edge >> adjList. In this hash table, the country name of a node is used as a key, but since the country id's are also unique, the hash table could be: HashTable< int; list < Edge >> adjList. There are several methods such as the shortest path algorithm, cycle detection algorithm, BFS search algorithm in Graph class. Implementations and explanations of them can be found in Graph.cpp. Inspecting Graph.h would be nice for better understanding.


Metal trade implementation around the world with a trade dataset by using hash table and graph.







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