This software is developed by Bilkent students as a part of CS102 (Spring 2017) Project.
Call-IDE is a simple Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Java, which helps beginner developers and also has various features for advanced users.
File Explorer: Call-IDE provides a hierarchical tree structure to easily navigate through the disk. You can choose the path to browse at the beginning and you can change it from the Preferences whenever you want.
Project System: Creating and manipulating projects is easy and consistent in Call-IDE.
Method Summary: It gives a short summary of your source files and enables you to navigate through your code easily. This summary is updated with your each save.
Beginner Support: Call-IDE gives help to the beginner programmers by giving them links according to the errors they get.
- The source codes for the IDE are in "Call-IDE/src" folder.
- This project is developed using NetBeans, so the source folder can be opened as a NetBeans project folder.
- The libraries and their version numbers can be found in the folder "Call-IDE/lib".
- To run a stand-alone version of the IDE, run the file "Call-IDE/dist/Call-IDE.jar".
- To browse the javadoc pages, browse "Call-IDE/javadoc/index.html".
- Submission system servers are currently offline, however you can choose to use an external submission system by entering its link to the preferences.
Mahmud Sami Aydin - Method summary and file browser
Ahmet Furkan Biyik - Project handling and jdk checking
Ataberk Gozkaya - Help utilities and assignment submission
Halil Sahiner - Editor functionalities and auto-complete
Abdullah Talayhan - Build & Run utilities and submission system
Emin Bahadir Tuluce - Frame integration and file systems
Ant Build Tool Core 3.1.200 - EPL 1.0
Apache Ant 1.8.2 - Apache 2.0
Apache Commons IO 2.5 - Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Lang 3.5 - Apache 2.0
AutoComplete 2.5.8 - BSD
Javaparser Core 3.1.1 - Apache 2.0 LGPL 3.0
JavaMail API (compat) 1.4.7 - CDDL GPL 1.1 GPL 2.0
MOJI 1.0.2 - MIT
MySQL Connector/J 5.1.41 - GPL 2.0
RSyntaxTextArea 3.0.0 - BSD (modified*)
Zip4j 1.3.2 - Apache 2.0