The seamless translation layer
In DDD (Domain Driven Design) it is recommended to introduce a translation layer (aka anticorruption layer) between different domains. It allows to isolate the domain from each other making sure the can evolve independently.
However writing code for the translation layer isn't really exciting as quite often the domain objects share some similarities. Translating from one domain to the other introduces lots of boilerplate code and doesn't add much business value.
Fluent aims at reducing this boilerplate code. It leverages the similarities between the domains in order to convert case classes from one domain into the other. Under the hood it relies on Shapeless and implicit type class instances.
In order to use Fluent you need to add the following lines to your build.sbt
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("beyondthelines", "maven")
libraryDependencies += "beyondthelines" %% "fluent" % "0.0.7"
## Dependencies
Fluent has only 2 dependencies: Shapeless and Cats.
In order to use Fluent you need to import the following:
import cats.intances.all._
import fluent._
The cats import is only needed if your case classes contains functors like List
, Option
, ... Of course you can be more specific and import only the instances you need.
Importing fluent._ adds a new method to your case classes transformTo
. You only need to call this method to transform a case class into another one.
Let's take a basic example to illustrate the usage:
object External {
case class Circle(x: Double, y: Double, radius: Double, color: Option[String])
object Internal {
case class Point(x: Double, y: Double)
sealed trait Color
object Color {
case object Blue extends Color
case object Red extends Color
case object Yellow extends Color
case class Circle(center: Point, radius: Double, color: Option[Color])
Let's create an instance of external circle:
val externalCircle = External.Circle(
x = 1.0,
y = 2.0,
radius = 3.0,
color = Some("Red")
and turn it into an internal circle
val internalCircle = externalCircle.transformTo[Internal.Circle]
In this case it's easy to figure out what Fluent does:
contains a x
and a y
of type Double
so Fluent can create a Point
from an External.Circle
. The radius
can be taken as it is and color
needs to be turned into the correct type (Note that if the colour doesn't exist in the expected values it would fail at runtime).
Sometimes Fluent cannot figure out how to convert from one case class to the other. In such cases it's possible to define implicit functions that Fluent can use to achieve the conversion.
Let's take another example:
import java.time.Instant
object External {
case class Post(author: String, body: String, timestamp: Long)
object Internal {
case class Author(name: String)
case class Post(author: Author, body: String, tags: List[String], timestamp: Instant)
Let's create an External.Post
val externalPost = External.Post(
author = "Misty",
body = "#Fluent is a cool library to implement your #DDD #translationLayer seamlessly",
timestamp = 1491823712002L
In this case it's not possible to transform the External.Post
into an Internal.Post
because Fluent can't figure out how to extract the tags from the post and how to convert the timestamp
of type Long
into a timestamp
of type Instant
We can define 2 implicit functions to perform these transformations:
implicit def tagsExtractor(post: External.Post): List[String] =
implicit def toInstant(timestamp: Long): Instant =
With these 2 functions in scope we can now transform the External.Post
into an Internal.Post
val internalPost = externalPost.transformTo[Internal.Post]
More implementation details can be found on this blog post: