An curated list of awesome BetterTouchTool configs.
Forget about function keys, keep your TouchBar sharp.
- Android Studio
- Appcode
- IntelliJ
- PyCharm
- SourceTree - BetterTouchTool TouchBar configuration for SourceTree
- bettertouchtool-crypto - Crypto stock market prices for your Macbook Pro touch bar!
- Crypto-Touchbar - A script for BetterTouchTool which allows you to track to price of different cryptocurrencies on the touchbar.
- Crypto-Touchbar-App - A web app to build Apple touch bar elements for crytpo currencies.
- [TouchBar_Bitcoin_Florincoin]
- Crypto-Touchbar-for-Mac
- EthereumTouchBar - Scripts to add to BetterTouchTool the coolest ethereum projects and be able to track the prices on your touchbar (/~ - Bitcoin and Florincoin on the MacBook Pro TouchBar
- touchbar-cryptocoins - View BTC, LTC, ETH and NEO on your Macbook Touchbar using the BetterTouchTool.
- Touch Bar iStats - Show CPU/GPU/MEM temperature on Touch Bar with BetterTouchTool!
- btt-productivity-shortcuts-file - Productive keyboard shortcuts to use with BetterTouchTool.
- huekey - Control Philips Hue lights with BetterTouchTool (or any script launcher)
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To the extent possible under law, Bumsoo Kim has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.